Chapter 18

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Sirius looked at himself in the mirror. He smiled, Draco really outdid himself. He looked amazing and really good. The Yule Ball would start in a few minutes and the Malfoys were hosting so he had to be there. Draco got him an outfit and Merlin the boy knew what he was doing.

He yelped when he felt a hand on his waist but turned to see a smiling Tom "Merlin Tom. You scared the hell out of me." "Well good, now you're an angel from heaven." Sirius laughed and Tom cringed shaking his head "Never. Never again will i do that." "Why not? It was smooth." Tom gave him a 'really?' look and he laughed again "I'm lying. it was not at all smooth, but it was cute to try." huffing Tom turned to walk away but Siri grabbed his arm. He raised a brow and Sirius looked anywhere but him "H-How do i look?" he asked nervously meeting Toms yes. Tom smiled and pulled him closer. Siri froze and Tom kissed his head "Beautiful." he whispered before walking and sitting on the bed. He smirked as Siri shook his head and glared "I'm getting you back." "Can't wait." 

"Hey Moony, Sev." the couple turned to face him "Wow Sirius i have to say you don't look bad. How much did you pay Draco?" asked Sev smirking. "I feel offended that you don think i know fashion." said Sirius. Sev gave a look and he hung his head "He said this time was for free." Sev nodded feeling satisfied. Remus smiled "How are you Pads?" "I'm doing good. Haven't seen Bella yet though. Miss her." "Those three got the ring ad will be back in a few days." informed Sev, before walking through the crows to Lucius.

Sirius stood by the table with Remus and looked around. Sev, Lucius and Cissa were having a conversation and all the teens were in a corner talking and laughing. The Weasley twins were here too, they snuck out. "They would have been happy." Sirius looked up at his friend to see him smiling "What?" "James and Lily. They would be so proud of everything and everyone." Sirius smiled "Yes. Jamie would probably be making fun of Lucius choice of clothing right about now." Remus chuckled softly and nodded "Yes, and Lily would be making sure Harry was ok and that he doesn't eat too much cake." they both laughed softly. Handing Siri a cup of champagne Remus smiled "To James and Lily, and family." Sirius smiled and clicked their glasses "To James, Lily and family." 


"Morning all." "Morning Siri." Sirius froze in his spot. He spun to the side to see three grinning people. "Bella!" "Siri!" the two ran hugged each other, before letting go and speaking over each other about all they did.

"I missed you." he said "Missed you too cuz." "Were we not missed?" came the voice of Rebastian. Siri laughed and hugged the twins "hey boys. How've you been?" "Tired ad exhausted. I played curse breaker for months." said Rudo. "oh yea i heard. You have the rig?" Bella nodded and took it out of her pocket "Now it's just the Locket." "I wanted to speak to you about that." "What?" asked Rab. 

"Well, i remember Reggie going on about something like this." everyone was deathly still "What?" gasped Rab. "Yea. One day he was ranting about Kreacher, Voldemort and a locket. I didn't get any of it though. he might have wrote it in his journal." "We need that journal." said Bella. "How? Kreacher hates anyone going into Reggie's room." said Rudo "Actually he allows me to go in." said Rab softly. "Why?" asked Bella "Well i might have- me and Regulus might- we might have been together." he stuttered softly.

They gasped "Why didn't you say?" asked Rudo "We wanted to keep it secret and then h-he died and i didn't wanna talk about it anymore." "Oh Rab." Rudo hugged his brother who hugged back. Siri ad Bella looked at each other and nodded "Hey Rab, can you maybe try and get the journal please? Or ask Kreacher about it please? It might help." said Bella gently. he nodded "Ok. I'll try." "Great. You can doo it when you feel comfortable." he nodded again and held onto his brother. 

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