"Ahhh, the ongoing saga of August the Terrible," Felice chuckled. "I still can't believe they searched everyone's rooms for drugs. Is that even legal?"

Wille shrugged a shoulder. "Well, I suspect it's part of the contract when you enrol that it's school grounds and they can search."

Felice grabbed her drink, taking a long sip. "Crazy."

"Do you have anything you are scared they found?"

"Like diaries full of pining over you and graphic sex fantasies?"

This made him sit up. "Do you really have that?? About me?"

Felice smirked at him. "Nope. Besides, things weren't that...um...spicy... between us, were they?"

The question made him sink back, pulling the blanket up higher on his chest. "We made out a few times-"

"Yeah, but Wille...um...we are friends, right? And what we say stays between us, right?" Felice was giving him a tender look.

He was even more nervous now. Where was this going? "Ah.... Yes."

Felice took a deep breath, letting it out slowly, and then took his hand. "Feel free to stop me if this gets too personal, but have you gone farther with other girls?"

Wille could feel his face heating up, and looked away. It took a minute before he could meet Felice's gaze. "Um... a bit... you know, um... touching. Some clothes coming off. It's a bit harder sometimes, wondering if someone really likes me, or just wants to be with a Prince."

She nodded, and give his hand a squeeze. "That's understandable. Maybe we just didn't click that way, or you didn't feel comfortable with me. But it's also OK if you aren't into sex, or are into guys."

"What?!" Wille let go of her hand. "Just because I didn't have my hand up your shirt the first time we made out doesn't make me... I'm not-"

Felice pulled him into a hug. "All I'm saying is we are teens and it takes a while to figure things out. Experiment. Almost everyone at this school has made out with a same-sex friend while drunk at a party. Whatever you are is OK with me."

Wille scoffed. "Yeah, and I'm sure my parents would love it as I came out as the first gay Prince ever."

Chuckling, Felice grabbed the remote and switched the show to Queer Eye. The rest of the night they joked around that if he was gay, which of the Fab 5 he was most like.

"Come on, grow your hair long. Grow a beard. You can borrow my dresses," Felice said, bumping against his shoulder.

"My hair is more like Antoni's or Tan's now," Wille shot back, striking a pose.


Monday, January 9th:

The first day of the term always started a bit formally. They wore their school uniforms and went to the chapel for a welcoming speech from the Headmistress.

"Hmmm, no mentions of searching our rooms," Felice whispered to Wille, and he had to hold back from laughing.

"No, just the announcement that I'll be making a speech at the Jubilee. Boring," Wille added. His mother and her team had met with him over the holidays, and he knew it was just one of many public events for upcoming months.

She left afterwards to join the choir, and as always, Simon had a solo.

I heard there was a secret chord
That David played and it pleased the Lord
But you don't really care for music, do you?

This time, Wille couldn't help but stare. Had he always been this good? He remembered noticing his singing on his first day at the school, and at other events, but this time the music hit him hard.

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