Ron×reader ♡fem♡

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Ron and I are walking around the school, Harry is snogging some girl in a broomstick cupboard and Hermione is studying because she's bored. So that's how I ended up here, with Ron. Not gonna lie it's a bit awkward since we last hung out, I don't know why though, oh wait that's a lie, it's because during the holiday Ron and I almost did it at a Christmas party but we didn't end up going through with it because Snape almost caught us, we haven't talked since then, I can't even look at him without remembering how his hands were- you know what never mind...I don't think I know if I can talk to him but he asked me to go for a walk with him I am, walking around the school, with the second youngest Weasley, who I almost banged at Christmas party. Wonderful. How do I get myself into shit positions like this. We haven't said a word to eachother since we left the common room and now we're reaching the black lake. As we arrive at our usual tree, I take a seat next to Ron and we just stare ahead of us...

"So....what you wanna talk about y/n"

"I don't know,'s life"

Ron let's out a small laugh, "ya know, we can talk about what happened, I mean we're both thinking it, atleast I am, but it doesn't have to be awkward between us, I just want us to go back to normal. Like our old selves," Ron says whilst taking my hand in his, he looks nervous but he continues,"Y/n, you know I like you, fuck, I'm sure everyone knows I like you, if everyone else can see it, why can't you?"

I'm stunned, I don't know what to say. I just stare at him like Ive forgotten how to speak. He looks at me, he's waiting for me to talk even though my mind is blank and I feel like the dumbest person alive, I decide it's time to speak, because I physically can't deal with awkward situations, "Ron, why did you bring me here?" I'm not that dumb, I know why he brought me here, I just want him to say it.

He sighs and looks away momentarily, then he looks back, "Y/n..." He stands up and pulls me up against him so that my back is against the tree and our chests are pressed together, he's so close if I move an inch we'd be kissing by now. He's eyes shift from my eyes to my lips and back again. "Will you..." His lips move to my neck and he places a soft kiss on it, "be my..." He continues, he moves his lips to my jawline and places a soft kiss, "Girlfriend..." but he doesn't kiss me, just stares at me, waiting. I snake my arms around his neck and pull him closer to me, but it's not enough, I need more, "Jeez atleast ask me on a date first.." and with that I kiss him, closing the gap between us. I can feel him smile into the kiss and that's when I realize that all I want, is to be right here, in his arms. Forever.

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