Harry×reader ♡fem♡

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Harry and y/n are sitting in the Gryffindor common room studying for the charms test that's in a couple days.

"I'm bored, can we take a break pleaseee," Harry says whilst laying back on a red sofa.

"You've asked me 2 times already, I'm sure you know the answer."

"Third times a charm," Harry smirks at y/n

"Fine, but only 5 minutes, ill be right back, I'm going to get my other books."

Y/n leaves Harry to go get her stuff, He stares into the fire, waiting for her to get back. 5 minutes pass and he's still waiting so Harry decides to lay down and wait for her. 5 minutes become 10, 10 becomes 20, 20 becomes 30. Harry's eyes start to slowly close but he soon jumps awake when he hears the sound of books being slammed down onto the table.

"What the hell y/n"

"Sorry, but you've had enough of a break."

"What took you so long?"

"Oh I was just trying to find my charms essay from last year, I think it could help us study."

"Oh okay, instead of working straight away, maybe just 5 more minutes, please," Harry said hopefully

"No, come one let's get to work pretty boy."

Y/n has never called Harry that and as friends they usually flirt sometimes, well most of the time but this time it's different. Harry blushed.

"Whats that..." y/n says with a smirk creeping up on her face

"Whats what?"

"Did I just make THE Harry Potter blush," she says whilst laughing

"No, it's just...I just, its like, yeah, it's hot in here, are you feeling hot?"

Y/n walks over to Harry, she sits right next to him on the sofa. Harry can feel their legs touching, it's barely even touching but still he can't help but struggle to breathe when she's near. Y/n notices and she likes this effect she has on him, so she moves closer.

"Harry, are you feeling okay?"

"Me? Oh yeah totally, why? Do I not look fine"

"Oh you look fine," Y/n sends Harry a wink.

Something about her today seems strange, she's more flirtatious than usual and Harry can't help but feel something? They're just friends anyways their flirting is a joke. Right? Harry gets snapped out of his thoughts when y/n snaps her fingers infront of his face. He gives her a confused look but she just smiles. That smile. Her smile. Harry just sits there like he's lost all his brain cells, he can't turn away from her, her smile drops.

"You sure you're okay, Harry? You really don't seem fine."

"I'm fine, you're just pretty"

And with that Harry starts with work as y/n turns red. He knows what he did and he loves how she reacted but if he looks at her like that he's not going to be able to stop, but he looks anyways. Without words, they just sit and look into eachothers eyes, Harry likes the color of her brown eyes, it brings him some sort of comfort, he felt as though he was stuck, he couldn't move, and he didn't want to, if he could just sit here and stare into his bestfriends eyes forever he would. She started to move closer and closer to him, inches apart, so close, just a little more. Y/n can feel his breath on her lips and was about to close the gap between them and then-

"OH SORRY," Hermione says walking in but coming to a stop, Ron following behind her. Ron's eyes go wide as he looks over to Harry and says

"Sorry mate, did we cock block you?"

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