chapter 8

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"...well, you got pretty well." You said, dribbling the ball, with sae looking at you. "...not good as you though." He answered back.

You tossed the ball in and made a hoop. "Don't worry if I keep playing basketball with you, you will get more good." You replied back, slightly teasing.

"I think I'll stick with soccer." You tossed him the ball. "But I'll still play with you." He tossed it back.

"Okay." You then chuckled. "What's so funny?" You put your hand on your mouth to hide your smile as you laughed.

"It's just that." Your hazel eyes glinted when you made eye contact with sae. "I just remembered the first time you played with me."

"Well." Sae scoffed with a ting of pink on his cheeks. "I didn't know how to play... and that accident that happened was proof of it."

Now it was your turn to turn pink. That accident was kind of inappropriate as sae accidently try to go pass you when you were in a position to block the ball.

Which sae got his feet tingle as they both fell sae on top with his hand behind your head as the other one was beside your head.

The basketball Long forgotten as they accidently moved, making their privates touched each other as they looked like they were grinding against each other.

The embrassing part was when they both let out small moans as well widen they eyes.

"Stop." Sae smirked, knowing that would still make you blushed. "I can't believe you said it, knowing I'll just feel embarrassed as well flush when you bring that up." Your lips turned into a pout.

"Alright fine." He wrapped his arms around your waist as he got close to you. "How about we go to your apartment to unpack your things."

You ponder for a moment, then groan letting your arm feel sae muscles. "Damn, I forgot about that." You muttered.

You didn't unpack your things, you only did was that you went to sae house to see him than you end up in bed with him.

"If we finished putting all your things away I'll give you a reward." Your eyes brighten, then your breath hitched as sae lightly nibbled on your ear.

In the distance isagi was walking with niko, his boyfriend, until he saw you two over there in the distant, his cheeks turned light pink seeing what's happening.

He turned his head away with wide eyes, niko raised an eyebrow under his bangs, seeing that reaction so he looked where his blue-eyed boyfriend was looking at.

Only to cause him to blush as well, looking away from that scene he just witnessed. "...thats whoa." He said feeling speechless.

Isagi nodded along at his wording feeling the same way. "Rin won't believe what we saw."


Your body felt hot as you let small moans, but then you snapped out of your trance that you were in. Remembering you're in public.

"Sae...ah." You said as well moaned out. "We are still in public." His hold lightly untighten your waist. "Than let's go to your apartment then." He whispered, letting you go.

You bite your lip, feeling yourself hard just from sae nibbling on your ears as you rubbed them. Green eyes looked into your hazel ones, showing that he got the ball and ready to go.

You grabbed his arm walking different so your hard on won't show to other people as you walk to your apartment. "This is your fault." You whispered when people would send you weird looks.

Sae chuckled lowly as he continued to walk. "You will be fine." He reassured you in a low tone.

You narrowed your eyes, knowing he's enjoy this, you tighten your hold on his arm on purpose.

"Achoo.." You sneezed, then flinched sae stopped infront of your apartment looking at you. "You sounded lik-." You covered his mouth.

Your face all pink, cursing yourself from sneezing right infront of your boyfriend. "Don't say it." You said, clearly embarrassed.

You knew you sound like a girl when you sneeze, but this was your boyfriend first time hearing it.

You didn't hate nor mind it, but it was kind of embarrassing for you right now though. "Let's just go inside." You put the key in and opened the door as you two walked in.

Sae closed the door. You turned around about to talk before you could utter a word, he pressed you up against the wall. You shivered when his mouth is lightly touching your ear.

"You sound like a girl when you sneeze." He whispered lowly in a tone that knows that makes you tremble.

You opened your mouth to talked back but you let out a girl sqeakue as well a moan.

"Ahh...kya!" Sae eyes twinkled with a new glim.

" i think i found my new favorite sound."

Here's too a new chapter!!

Some drama will come in the near future.


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