I disliked - no, hated the way Jordan had made me feel earlier; like I could just break into a million pieces. I wasn't a big fan of that feeling.

Me breaking into million pieces isn't an option.

Walking over to the bed, I lie down, slipping one arm under the pillow. Letting out a heavy sigh that caused my lips to quiver and my eyes to blur from tears that welled, I wipe them with the back of my hand as they slipped down my checks in slow tracks. I curl myself into a little ball, grabbing the fuzzy white blanket that lied on top of the pillows and cover myself up with it. Shivering beneath the blanket, goose bumps appear on my arms as the bedroom becomes cold; the air chilly.

If I concentrated hard enough I could hear shouting from downstairs. It was obviously Will and Jordan as James and Katherine had gotten back yet, and I doubt Katherine would ever raise her voice at her son.

It dyes out quickly, as the two were probably arguing over something for quite some time before I even acknowledge it. As the yelling stops a new sound appears and it's the sound of footsteps slamming against the stairs as whoever was walking up them seemed to be very angry. But the question as to who it was answered when the bedroom door opens with a click and closes with loud slam.

I don't move as Will comes in my vision, and he paces around the room, running his hands through his hair. The guy really needed a haircut. His gray eyes were stormy, full of anger and hatred.

"What's wrong?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper. Will stops with the pacing as he looks at me, his eyes slowly fading from the anger and his facial features softening.

"Jordan just being an ass." He tells me, but I knew he was withholding information from me.

"I can take it you know? I don't mind." I say, leaning up on my elbow and resting my head on the palm of my hand.

He raises his eyebrow in disbelief. "Then why are you hiding up here if you can take it?"

"Because he's an ass with way to many questions that I don't feel like answering." I tell him and he laughs, walking over to the bed and jumping on it. He rolls onto his back, his head tilted to the side to look at me with his hands crossed.

"You're funny." He says, and I scooch closer to him subconsciously.

I smirk. "I know I am. It's a gift."

He smiles at me. "Oh, and cocky too."

I giggle, not really meaning too, and I lean down and kiss him lightly on the lips. Our lips begin to move in sync after a couple of movement, and while mine are soft, his are rough. He places his hands on my shoulders, moving the downward to where they are then clutching at my hips. Like we done it a thousand times, rehearsed over and over again, he taps them. I knew exactly what he meant the moment he did it. I move my legs in such a way to where I'm now straddling him.

I take my hands and put them to his checks, lightly brushing them with my thumbs. I hadn't realized I had closed my eyes until the flash open again as Will shifts from underneath me. Deciding not question him, our eyes lock, and a smile spreads across my face as I saw no trace of anger in his eyes.

This kiss wasn't like last time though. This kiss wasn't full of lust or need. It was filled with passion, a secret happiness that only I could give him. And I liked the fact that I could do that.

That I could make Will happy.

His gray eyes sparkle with a glow I couldn't identify with any kind of emotion. But I didn't want to identify him. I wanted some parts of Will to stay a mystery for me, so that later on I could maybe decode them. Not every single thing, but just a few so that I bit of understanding of him. The man that lied before, whose arms are wrapped my waist, is a different man from the first one I had met two weeks ago. This one was full of life, had a purpose that wasn't just about pleasing his old man - even if part of him still thought he had too, it was a start.

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