close your eyes and breathe

Start from the beginning

He raises a hand and they stop immediately, he smiles and shakes his head, counting his trek towards the ballroom.

"Still, I want to apologize. Not only for that but for forgetting to keep my eyes closed. I know how overwhelming it can be to look at them." He replied.

The rest of the walk was quiet, only sounds being their footsteps. Tommy sighed as he reached the frand looking door.

It's much too gaudy for his tastes, honestly. But techno had liked it, and eventually talked him into the overly fancy door.

With a quick turn he dismisses the two men following him, and with a respectful bow they disappear.

Taking a deep breath Tommy waves a hand and the doors open, revealing both Ranboo and tubbo standing on the ballroom floor.

It's empty now save for the two, he supposes they ended the whole thing. Not like he's complaining, he's not really a big fan of court affairs.

As he steps in, he notices the other's don't see him, too busy in their own animated conversation. Their heads snap his director when the heavy doors fall shut.

"Oh, Tommy there you are. We were discussing our plans for our stay." Tubbo said happily.

The blond raises his eyebrows and tilts his head, "uh-huh, and what do you plan on doing then?"

Tubbo pouts, "you mean what WE plan on doing!"

They stare at each other, before breaking out in a laugh.

"Yeah yeah, what do you have planned for us?" Tommy asks.

Ranboo pipes up, "we were planning on going down to earth for a short while." He adds.

Tommy tenses, "earth? Why the hell would you want to do that?"

"Oh come on don't be like that! We're just going to visit, it'll be a short stay I promise!" Tubbo pleads.

Tommy sighs, running a hand down his face. He has a bad feeling about this.


Tommy flinched, and rubbed his temple. "Yes wil, we're going down to earth."

All three proxies were tense, wound up tighter than they had been in a long time.

"You can't- you know how dangerous earth is! You're a god, what happens when a mortal finds out!" Phil cries.

The god sighed, "yes phil, you're right- i am a god, which means I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself. You guys don't have to come if you don't want to." He explains.

A growl follows his words, he turns his head to see techno, who has ripped a hole through the blankets with his claws.

"Are you kiddin' me? You want to go down to earth and not take us? Have you gone fuckin' mad?" Techno hisses.

Tommy jumps in surprise at the sheer heat the other spoke with. He turns to stare at the other with furrowed brows.

"Techno- i am a god! A being with quite literally unimaginable power, nothing- and especially not mortals can hurt me!" Tommy fires back.

Techno doesn't stop his glaring however, and his low growl picks up.

"No. And that's final."the man finally says through clenched teeth.

Tommy just freezes, before his mouth twists into a sneer. "I wasn't asking." Is all he replies with.

The proxies look at him surprised. Watching as he stands from his plan even on the blankets.

"I am going, and none of you have the right or the ability to stop me. You don't like it? Then you won't come." He states as he walks towards the doors. 

"What- Tommy, wait! Please let's just talk about this!"

"We're just worried!"

Their pleading came to a stop as the doors slammed shut leaving them alone once more.

They all stare at the heavy door in shock.

Techno snarls, catching the attention of the other two.

"We have plenty of right to stop him! We're trying to keep him safe!" He hisses, clenching his teeth.

It was a tense silence for a few moments, the only sounds being the low growling that came from the burly man's throat.

"Tommy's right though." Wilbur says quietly. "He's a god, were not. how the hell are we supposed to stop him from doing anything?"

Techno and Phil look at eachother, lips curled.

"What if I said I had a way to change that?" Phil asks.

Wilbur looks up, catching his gaze. Moving the blankets off of him, Phil stands and begins to pace around the room.

"I've been wondering lately- how did they become gods? There's no way they were born that way, right?" The avian mumbles.

Techno snorts, "phil, what's goin' on in that head of yours?" He asks grimly.

Phil stops his pacing, he looks up and the light from the torches cast him in a dark orange glow. He glanced down at his hand and clenched.

"I found something interesting, looking through the library.  Said gods are born from situations."

Wilbur squinted confused at the blond.

"It means there's a situation that a mortal in dire need- would ascend. I don't know how or what but they do."

He begins to pace again.

"So, thinking about it, we just need the situation to be right- we could ascend. Become gods, be able to protect tommy!" Phil exclaims, rambling.

Techno and Wilbur stare at Phil, with varying levels of surprise- before techno grins.

It's wild and dangerous looking, with the deadly look in his eyes he sure looks like he means trouble. 

He laughs low and gravelly.

"Phil, you've just become my favorite person."

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