Chapter 21: Dawn of new beginnings

Start from the beginning

They three huntsmen exchanged a glance, then charged her all at once from different sides.

A loud crash filled Cinder's ears as Callum chased her around the edge of the forest, smashing his mace against the ground every time he thought he could get her. Behind him, the sniper following them. He was always making sure he was in a position to see Cinder, but was outside of her attack range. What's more, he didn't attack unless Cinder did, making it impossible for her to chain together any attacks!

The two worked in perfect sync as the sniper would cover Callum and Callum could protect the sniper. She needed to break their combo if she wanted to have any change at victory.

Cinder spun around, pulling an arrow with gray fletching out of her quiver. Knocking the arrow, she waited for the lumbering fool to get close, then she shot the ground at their feet.

Immediately, both combatants were covered in steam as the arrow detonated on impact. With their line of sight broken, Cinder had a shot to end this.

Cinder charged forward, leaping off Callum's back into the air enraging from the steam. She fired three arrow at the sniper while he was still reeling in shock. The arrows landed around him, then exploded, blasting him out of the trees and back toward the ruins where he smashed through one of the pillars, causing his aura to flicker.

Smirking, Cinder took aim at him once again. This would finish him off!

Suddenly, a powerful blow hit her from behind, knocking her out of the air and crashing to the ground, winding her.

Slowly, Callum enraged from the steam, face red with fury. "Think you can make a fool of me, huh!?" He snarled. "Well, I think you've made me look bad for the last time, you bitch!" He pulled his fists back, then punched towards her, releasing a powerful energy several feet wide. It was too big for Cinder to dodge! Having no choice, she threw her arms up to block as she was engulfed by the attack.


Amber looked up as she fended off her opponents. They had surrounded her, but she was constantly spinning her staff around to keep them guessing and always in a position to counter them. But while it kept them at bay, it also made it difficult for her to land any decisive blows.

However, when her partner screamed as she was thrown into the temple wall, she knew she had to do something.

She struck her staff down, and drew a circle around her with the dust tip. Immediately, the area burst into flames. Then, with her wind dust, she blow the flames towards her opponents, causing them to scream and jump back.

Seeing her opening, Amber ran to help Cinder. Clearly Callum was much stronger than she had anticipated. But if they could take him down, then they others wouldn't have a chance!

Behind her, Amber saw the axeman chasing after her. He was the only one who had gotten around the flames, but he was far too slow to catch her. Amber ignored him and made a b-line for the sniper.

Suddenly, Axeman broke off and ran towards the pedestals with the pieces on them instead. Curious, Amber glanced over to see what he was planning. Then her heart sank. He was charging at the unconscious Faunus!

Immediately, she broke off to intercept him, blasting wind behind her to accelerate. Behind her, the other two had gotten around the flames and were closing distance again.

She quickly slid to the side of the axeman. He saw her and spun, swinging his weapon at her neck, but Amber had predicted that. Without losing speed, she twisted out of the way of his attack and slammed her spear into his chest, then blasted him away with a burst of flames.

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