Chapter 2

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Rhea pov
    We were two hours into the drive since Nora got on the bus. Dominik had texted me to ask who she was and I told him all I knew which was her name.

Who is that?

I have no clue must a  new girl all I know. Her Nora Seymour.

Wait you're sitting by Nora Seymour!!

You don't know who that is?

No? Am I meant to?

Well I would think you would as that is
Triple H's niece.

He has a niece?

Yep, and she is super famous on the
Europe circuit.


Yeah, I've heard she's really nice. We should
Swap seats.

Yeah no. By love <3.

Rhea no.
Rhea, come on!

    I was surprised Triple H had a niece. She did look kinda like him so I guessed it makes sense. It was also really cool that she was on the European circuit. I was there at one point but Triple saw more room for me to grow on the American circuit so he moved me over. I wonder if he did the same thing for her as he did for me. I mean she was really pretty and looked super strong. I mean you can see all her muscles in what she was wearing. Which was just some sweats and a sports bra with a jacket. I wondered why she got put by me as this time we had assigned seats. I wonder if it was on purpose. Maybe Triple H wants us to be friends. She looked really powerful. She has short red hair and bright green eyes. She had lots of tattoos and piercings just like me. Yet she still looked so much softer. I stayed awake for a while no longer watching my movie. All I could think about was how pretty she was. I know I shouldn't think that but she just was. She was captivating in a different way than normal people. After a while, I was so zoned out that when I heard her laugh and say ¨what are you looking at Rhea¨ with a chuckle after. I knew I had been looking for a while. I blushed and looked away. ¨Sorry I didn't know how to get your attention to try and talk with you¨. I try to make it seem like I just want to be friends because that's all we can be. I hear her laugh again. ¨The big scary Rhea doesn't know how to get my attention, to be what friends¨ she stops and laughs again and all I can do is blush harder. ¨My uncle said you could be scary and mean at times but deep down you are a nice person and that's just how you are but I think he was very wrong ¨. Nora continues to laugh. I look away ¨Sorry but I didn't want to wake you and we don't know each other¨ I try to say to make my face stop being so red. ¨Totally, well you have my attention now so we can talk about whatever you wanted to before. ¨Really!" I know I sounded way too excited about that but I don't care I was just happy I am getting to talk to her. ¨Yeah anything you want¨ Nora tells me while turning to me with her changing positions I could see how tiny she was. She could tell I noticed and laughed at me yet again. ¨I'm only 5'3 Rhea¨ and once I heard that I knew I wanted to know everything she would let me know right at that moment. I also made it my personal goal to become her friend. If it was the last thing I did.

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