1# An Exciting Beginning

Start from the beginning

"she is also from my dream!? i wonder if the other girls are in my class too!". "Stop giving her a hard time." The green girl said as another Girl said but she was mostly blue than orange or green. She had a pastel blue cardigan and with a more icy blue coloured tie, she also has her dark blue hair in bangs and at the sides of her hair she has pastel blue hair clips.

"Yeah, It's her first day, no wonder why she's nervous" The blue girl replied, still talking to Kelsey. "No way!" I thought.

Glitter Breeze: I'm GlitterBreeze!

"This is Freaky-deaky..." I thought. "I thought her introduction was just fine." The blue girl said, continuing her sentence. "Thanks for the Info. Speaking of which, let me introduce these two." Kelsey said as she started to move her hand towards the green girl.

"This one here, that's April. Really good at sports, any sport. Outdoorsy, super athletic. In fact, she's tougher than most of the boys at this school." Kelsey said, "Hey! I'm not that tough!" April said; kind of surprised at what Kelsey stated.

Kelsey giggled and I just mumbled: "nice to meet you."

"As for Chloe here, she's brainy, pretty, popular, yet humble. The whole package. And she's student body vice president. She's so perfect, it's kind of scary." Kelsey commented as Chloe replied: "I'm not perfect.".

Kelsey giggled as she then began to speak to me again. "Don't worry, you'll get over it. When I first transferred here I was all tongue-tied and nervous too, but just look at me now!" Kelsey replied as she had four fingers on her chest and the other hand in the air. "Thank you Kelsey now just get back to your seat so we can get this work out and finished." I looked at the girl and my eyes widened. "Another girl from my dream!?".

Glitter beats: I am! (Insert back flip) Glitter beats!

It was a girl with dark purple hair which was in a messy bun with braids running down her back and her hair has f/c and pastel blue highlights. She also has black glasses that go on her face, she has a f/c, dark purple tie and wears a purple zipped jumper that falls down at the shoulders. She also has dark purple ripped jeans and beside her, she has a
f/c bag.

"Sorry y/n but since you talked you get an Introduction! That girl over there is y/n. She carries almost all her electronics that have the BEST music apps and is the top writer and musician in the class. She is lead of the music committee. She can play any song, and they are always top notch! I say, the whole music class wants to be her, I bet even the music teacher!" Kelsey said putting her hands on her hips, grinning. "I'd say: not all." There was some silence in the room. "Okay, maybe most of the Music committee, including the class.." y/n mumbled the last part but we all could hear.

"Yes, thank you Kelsey. You may return to your seat." The teacher said as she had her hands on her waist. Kelsey put her hand at the back of her head and started to go to her seat. "No problem, just trying to help. Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week." Kelsey said to everybody she passed.

"I thought you did a good job." A voice said from below, but in front of me. I looked over to the voice and saw it was a girl with yellow, puffy hair with a very light pastel yellow headband. She wore a pastel yellow jumper like vest with a darker pastel yellow tie. "I especially liked the part where you said your name was Emily. I had a hamster named Emily." The yellow girl whispered to me. She probably was a shy girl. "She's from my dream, too!" I thought.

Glitter Peace: We want peace (insert doing peace sign)! Glitter peace (insert both hands doing peace sign)!

"They're all her from my dream. Maybe it wasn't a dream at all!" I thought to myself. But that meant I was a superhero with them! OMG I would love that!!!!

"And last big not leats, that's Lily. She is Super Sweet. But be careful, she's sensitive. Almost anything makes her cry." Kelsey said, doing her finale introduction (probably for now). "I haven't cried once today! Okay maybe once. Three times at the very most." Lily said as her puffy hair went to her cheeks and she made a baby face which looked so adorable!!!!

Most of the class giggled and Lily started to mumble/talk again. "That bee freaked me out.".

"Well! I'm not so nervous now, so let me try it again, the way I practised it!" I said, starting to get people attention. "Hello everyone, my name is Emily. I know this may sound weird... but I really really love fairy tales. And what I love the most about them is that they always have a happy ending, and so I try to find a little of that happiness In my life every day." I stated but got cut off my Kelsey.

"So, uh, what makes you happy? Like when the cafeteria serves fries instead of creamed spinach and peas?" Kelsey asked as she held her hands on her cheeks. "Not exactly. It's a little hard to put into words. But suddenly everything around you gets all sparkly and there's a warmth in your heart. Well, whatever, it's a wonderful feeling, and you j is it when you feel it!" I stated as I moved my arms around the place.

(To lazy to put it into a normal story words right now)

Lily: nice!
Kelsey: I think that's called: sunstroke.
Chloe: well, I think I get what you mean.
Y/n: have absolutely no idea what random talk your saying.

"Uhh. Okay, well, anyway, it's a super nice to meet you all!" I say as I bowed to show respect. Everyone clapped for me as I stood still again. "Okay, now we need to find you a desk." The teacher said as she looked around the class. "Hey teach, the desk behind me is open and surprisingly(changed the original word) clean!" Kelsey said, waving so she could get the teachers attention.

"We'll, aren't you lucky. Go and take a seat, Emily." The teacher told me as I said: "right!". I walked to the desk behind Kelsey and I sat down. "Just make yourself at home." Kelsey whispered as the class started.

I sighed. "That wasn't so bad. A little tougher at the start maybe.." I then continued to pay attention to class.





I got all my things that I left in my locker and put stuff back in it as well. I took out a book I found and decided to bring it home and read it. It was the end in school and so I walked outside to the streets and saw something In the sky. "What is that? A bird? A plane?....." I asked my self as the sky darkened and I fell to the floor. Saying horrible and sad things about my self. "I don't get it why people want to be me. I'm the worst.." I said, forming tears to my eyes.

After a couple of minutes of saying bad stuff, the sky cleared and I turned to normal. I forgot everything that happened and shrugged it off. I then walked back to my house with the book in my hands. I only saw a glimpse of what it seemed to be a girl with long vibrant pink hair with white and pink outfit. She ran off somewhere else but I was too tired all of a sudden to ask questions and so I walked off to get back home...

Words (minus this though): 1993

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