'Finally done!' Makoto sighed and flopped onto the makeshift bed. Haru climbed in next to him.

'Time to break in the new bed.' Makoto smiled tiredly at Haru but nodded. He turned on his side to face Haru, he reached out and stroked Haru's face tenderly. Haru hummed and returned the gesture. They kissed softly then slowly removed both of each others clothes. When both were completely naked they caressed each others bodies. Makoto left sweet kisses trailing from Haru's ear to his neck and stopped, just breathing in Haru's sweet scent. Haru stroked Makoto's hair tenderly but stopped abruptly. He knew that soft breathing, the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest, spent so many nights with Makoto to know, he was dead asleep. Haru just chuckled inwardly, even if the moment was tender and sweet both were too tired to even get erect. Haru yawned, got up and shut off the light, then climbed into bed facing Makoto's back. He then wrapped his arms around him tightly. Normally Haru and Makoto would fight over who would be little spoon seeing as it was a favorite position for both of them but Haru was feeling loving tonight so he would sacrifice the position to make Makoto happy, just for tonight though.

Haru was 24 when he first experienced discrimination.

Haru had worked hard in college, earning degrees in zoology, marine biology and animal behavior. He had even taken an apprenticeship, but when he applied for the job they denied him due to "language barrier". Haru had been furious and stormed out of there but as soon as Makoto had seen him seething and asked what was wrong Haru finally broke down. He told him all about his experience while sobbing. Makoto gently gathered him in his arms and held him while stroking his back and hair until he finally calmed down.

The next week Makoto was excited to tell Haru about a new program at the aquarium next door to the swimming center where he coached children. Apparently this aquarium had a special class that taught about dolphins, the class was especially geared towards children with disabilities and the aquarium was still in dire need for a translator proficient in signing. Haru was thrilled so he applied right away.

Haru was so excited, not only had he managed to land a job helping deaf children and spending time with dolphins the aquarium was so impressed with his resume they actually gave him the teaching job as a side job, yes, Haru's real job was the dolphin caretaker. Haru couldn't ask for a better dream job. Makoto insisted on celebrating, telling Haru not to worry about dinner. So at 7 pm Makoto walked the half a block from the swim center to the aquarium to pick Haru up. They walked together to the grocery store and picked up some food, Makoto sneaking some small candles into the basket while Haru's back was turned.

When they got back Haru insisted that he cook seeing as even after living on their own for five years Makoto still couldn't cook or do anything remotely domestic to save his life. But tonight it didn't bother him because he had more important things to do. He placed some pillows around the low sitting table, then he placed two of the tea candles he picked up from the store and snuck out of the grocery bag. He silently giggled to himself knowing that Haru had absolutely no idea what he had planned for him tonight. He lit the candles before turning the lights off, the romantic atmosphere was perfect. Makoto entered the kitchen just as Haru was finishing up. He insisted that he take the plates into the living room knowing that he wouldn't drop them in surprise at the room being so dark. Haru agreed and when they arrived Makoto heard Haru give an almost inaudible gasp.

Makoto placed the dishes on the table then snaked his arms around Haru's torso. In the low light Haru could just make out Makoto's large hands,

'I wanted to surprise you. Congratulations on getting the aquarium job.' Makoto left a trail of kisses from below Haru's ear down to the base of his neck and back up again. 'Let's eat before it gets cold.' Haru merely nodded, to stunned to say anything yet deep down he knew that Makoto could tell everything he was thinking, thank you, it's perfect, I love you. I really love you. Makoto hummed gently next to Haru's ear, Haru gave a little shudder at the sudden rush of warm air on his skin. They untangled from each other and sat down to eat side by side. Every now and then one would hold out their spoon or fork in order to feed each other. When the meal was finally finished Makoto silently gathered up the dishes and left them in the sink to be washed later. Haru watched with nervous anticipation as Makoto gathered up the candles and brought them to their bedroom.

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