"I heard you were here ever since you were 15 what is the reason" he said a few minutes after. All the questions he gave me made my head hurt. I didn't want to be rude to him and tell him to shut up but I was VERY close to doing it.

But now the target is here. Ash collin hart. I've been studying everything about him ever since I got the case. He is most definitely 'fucked in the head' as my boss had told me when he gave me the case.

Ash had a routine. It was simple and seemed a bit too normal when I first started tracking him and tracing his steps. But turns out he stole a fuck ton of money from his last job at some shady rich gang.

He also had a history of being a killer at the age of 18. He hasn't killed a lot of people but the number isn't 0 to say the least. He was skillful after all these years of being in the gang.

My boss wanted to offer a job to him when he got more popular in the field. He saw potential in him and liked his methods.

When we got the job to kill him for a good amount of money my boss didn't want to let it go and decided on killing him anyways. He told me I was the best suited for the job because I had a personal history with him and not the good type of history.

My boss thought that i might know him better than the others. Or even regonize him. In the gang he was moslty going around ordering man so he wouldnt have to show his face to everyone that he didnt find worthy.

But i knew it. Ive seen his face ever since i was little and i knew if it was him in a matter of secconds.

His light brown hair was almost blonde in the sun. His eyes were light brown and I hate every part of them. I hate his lean but strong body and I hate his stupid smirk he does every time he sees that I got a gun aimed at his head. I hate him.

3.....2.....1.... I think and tighten my finger around the trigger. His eyes shot right to me making my heart skip a beat.

I can feel my whole body react to the way his eyes look at me and all I knew is that I'm not going to shoot him. Not here at least. I let my finger go of the trigger and take a deep breath.

I wanted to give him a worthy death. Not some sniper attack thats hard to get away from. I wanted a death for him to honor him.

The snipper attack wasnt going to work anyways. He already knew I was there. "He knew" I say and place the gun on the ground in defeat.

"So what? Just kill him anyways" the spotter says to me. "So what? You think he hasn't done anything to this whole building if he knows we're here and trying to kill him?" I say calm but I have an uneasy feeling in my stomach. "You waited too long to even shoot" the guy says and I take a deep breath again.

"Took too long?" I ask raising my voice "Do you think this job is easy as fuck in your delusional mind?" I snap at him harshly and stand up from the sniper spot. "You think you can say anything don't you?" He asks me and stands up too and takes the sniper with him. "Yeah I do" I say and try to leave.

He grabs me by my hoodie between his fist. Forcing me to look at him face-to-face. I want to get his fucking hand off of me.

"You don't want to kill this guy or something?" He asks me harshly like its an offence "Every guy at the office tells me how good you are and how you are the best in the field but all I see is some fucking pussy not killing a guy when we very clearly had a chance" he says and deepens his clutch on my hoodie. "What the fuck did you just-" I say but it gets cut off by my phone.

An announumous call. The spotter lets my hoodie go and I pick up the call. "Hey" the voice says in a cheeky way. Every part of my body knew it was ash. "Hello" I say back without any emotions.

"I like the couple argument you are having but you know.... the building will kinda fall down in mhmmmm...." he says taking his time finishing the sentence "1 minute. But no pressure or anything" he says and he hangs up the phone.

"I fucking knew it" I say and run down the stairs as fast as I can. The spotter rushes after me acting like we weren't just arguing. He is slow. Slower than he should be to reach the end.

Well that makes one person less. "Aspen" he calls my name and I ignore it. "Take the gun else I won't make it this stupid thing slows me down" he says panting and his feet slip and in a matter of a few seconds he is laying at my feet.

"Fine" I groan and get the gun and let him get up by himself. We rush out of the building just in time and I feel my heartbeat like it's right in my ear.

Somewhere deep down i like this. I like the way my breath is fogging up making it hard to breath. I like the way my heart is screaming into my ear making it loud and clear that its working. Its fucked up but i like the adrenaline. After all, its like a drug to me.

We wait for the building to fall down into a pile of bricks 3....2.....1.... and nothing happens. What the fuck? "Great" I breathe out and place the gun against the spotter's chest. "It won't blow up let's leave" I say and the spotter looks confused at me like I just told him I saw a fairy and a troll dance together and doing a blood ritual for the whiches.

I get in the car and leave back to my apartment. Shitty ass day of work has finally ended.

Case 420 /finished BxB/Where stories live. Discover now