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Sameer looks up nd frowned seeing Arjun Sooryavanshi at his door. Sameer rolls his eyes annoyed. He doesn't want to ruin his happy mood.

Sameer: what is it?

He asked bluntly.

Arjun S look so shocked.

Arjun S: You never talked me like that. What is this Sammy.

Sameer takes some breath to calm himself.

Sameer: First, it is because of your behaviour only. Second, only my loved once can call me by nickname, AND YOU ARE NOT ONE.

He said sharply making Arjun S even more guilty.

Arjun S: okey. I got it

He said it like a whisper. Sameer looks away as it pained him.

Arjun: But tell me when did...Preeta...try to.. suicide.

He can't even imagine that. He can't even say it. How awful he felt when he hears it.

Sameer: i don't think i should say this to you, but you will nag me until i say, soo she did it when.... She thought you were dead. She cut her wrist. We almost lost her because she gave up but she fight back when she learns she is pregnant.

Arjun S: oh

That' all he can say now. He felt bad hearing that.

Sameer: after that Bhaiyya took care for her. Feed her, insisted to take medicine, took care of her mood swings, her craving like THE WAY YOU SHOULD HAVE DONE.

He said stressing last sentence. Sameer tell him that deliberately to see his reaction. As he expected he saw how Arjun S look jealous, angry nd hatred.

Sameer chuckles dryly.

Sameer: well a dogs tail can never be straight.

He pushed Arjun S outside and closed the door.

Arjun S fumes walking towards the dining table.

Arjun S: How dare she. She loved me. Then how come she allow that. Sorry Rishab. I know you will be in pain for sometime but.... Preeta only loves me. This relationship may give you so much pain. So before it pains more, i will make you free again.

He smiles when he saw the family. All smiles back too. But their smile fades when they saw Rishab walking with a stoic face.

Rishab: me, pree, and kavu are going to stay at my place for sometime. AND IT'S FINAL.

He informed them sternly leaving no room for arguments. Others only nodded sadly. Arjun S fumes more thinking that they will be alone.

Rishab left from there but not before noticing how Arjun S look so angry.

Arjun Sooryavanshi surely need a treatment from Arjun Khurrana. Risha shook his head.

Rishab and Preeta are packing their packs.

Preeta: oh oh

Rishab: what is it.

Preeta: we forget about Kritika

Rishab: shit. How will she react to it.

I am okey with it.

The couple looks at the door to see Kritika standing with a smile.

Kritika came inside the room sitting beside Preeta.

Preeta: Bhabhi i know you desperately wanted to go out of here. You two need it. So i am okey. Shree told me before about the plan. I am surely okey with it. You guys go. I will come with Shrishmeer.

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