By the time he sighed and withdrew his tools, he'd worked his way all the way up to Marquise's shoulder.

"These scars are quite interesting, too. You've clearly had to hold your own, wolf or not, more than a few times. Oh how I wish to be able to search your mind right now," the man said quietly as he began cleaning up his things.

"Do you think you could drink something? I know that it's probably not going to stay down, but the doctor in me can't help but want to try."

Marquise, of course, didn't respond, but he could feel his painfully chapped lips aching and his empty stomach twisting into constant knots. He was willing to try.

"Let's see how water works first, hmm?" the man said as he walked over and, after adding another pillow beneath his head, brought over a chair or stool and then grabbed a container of water.

"Alright, here we go," he said cheerfully as he reached over and gently settled some sort of small glass item against Marquise's lower lip.

"It's just a little eyedropper. We're going to go really slow to start, alright?" he said as he very gently squeezed a single drop of water out.

The moment he felt it slip into his mouth Marquise put every single ounce of effort he had left into moving his tongue just far enough forward to touch that tiny droplet.

"Wonderful!" the man exclaimed in excitement as he squeezed another single drop out of the eyedropper.

It took Marquise a bit more time to retrieve that one, but he did finally manage to move his tongue again and lick the tiny droplet.

"There you go. You are truly amazing," the man said as they began to slowly work together on their current goal.

It took quite a long time, but he managed to get through three droppers worth of liquid and about three ounces from a very carefully tipped cup before exhaustion overtook him and he stopped responding completely.

"That's okay. You did wonderfully. Rest now," the man said happily as he adjusted the pillows a bit more, then walked away.

Marquise was already half asleep when he heard the sound of something being opened. Then he smelled something that he hadn't expected to ever again.

"Ah, it seems like they are making more apple pies down the street at the bakery. They smell fantastic," the man said as warm air drifted in through the window, bringing the delicious scent with it.

Unwillingly, Marquise's stomach gave a pathetically tiny grumble. He had never admitted it to his pack members, but he'd had quite a bad sweet tooth when he'd been young. Of course, that all stopped when he'd taken over his pack, though it was impossible to hide while in such terrible condition.

"I totally understand. They're amazing, even though I really shouldn't eat them since I'm a vampire. It doesn't process all that well, but every once in a long while I can't help myself."

He couldn't argue that. If he had been able to move at all, he would have likely gotten one just because he could. Except, he probably couldn't. He'd given up all of his money and possessions before he'd left. He had not a single penny to his name.

"I'll tell you what. Next time, I'll bring you some of that pie filling. How does that sound?" the man asked as he walked closer and tucked a light blanket in around him.

I want it...

He heard the man begin to speak again, but his mind was no longer able to process his words as it sank back into darkness.

"M-my lord, please wait!"

Marquise's mind tried to pull itself together and wake up, but he couldn't make it work any faster than it already was.

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