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june woke up expecting jack to be next to her but he wasn't june was so confused because it was like everytime he slept over witch as a lot he was never there when she woke up she brushed it off she thought he must of had something important come up again

june was in the kitchen washing dishes when she heard the front door open she grabbed the closest thing to her witch was a knife she leaned up against the wall holding her breath while holding up the knife ready to kill someone "HOLY FUCK" said jack as june jumped out with the knife  "dude i almost killed you" said june putting the knife down "i just saw my life flash in front of my eyes" said jack june was laughing "i went to get food" said jack putting plastic bags on the table "oh that's where you went" said june "aww you were wondering where i was how cute" said jack june rolled her eyes "im going to actually kill you one day" said june helping jack take the food out the bag "can you even cook" said june looking at the ingredients jack bought "sort of i can cook simple things but i'm not the best" said jack "be thankful that i know how to cook" said june "i was hoping you said that i love your cooking" said jack june smiled "thank you" said june laughing

the 2 were sitting at the table eating there breakfast scrolling on there phones "you have your meeting today what else" said jack "i think that's it but then i have to go pick stuff up from the post office and then i'm home" said june "oh and i have to find someone to look after my cat" said june "i'll do it" said jack "i love your cat" said jack "yeah i know you do i think you like my cat more then me" said june laughing "are we hanging out tonight" said jack "i was about to ask you the same thing" said june "great minds think alike" said jack "never say that again" said june



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