Chapter 2: Airport

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Salish pov:

I dropped off my luggage and had a seat while waiting. After a while, I took a nap and dreamed that I was in Nidal's arms. Why am I dreaming of these he is my best friend. I texted my friend Payton why I was having those dreams. 

"You might have a crush on him," she said in a text. "What no I can not have a crush on my bestie" I replied to her. "there are a lot of couples that started as friends and ended up getting married," she said.

Our plane got called and we entered the plane. I was sitting next to my mom meanwhile my brother and dad were sitting together. I watched the movie Uncharted while were on the plane. 

Jordan pov:

I hope Salish will do well when she hangs out with Nidal. I hope they don't date in the future. I got up from my seat on the airplane and went to the restroom. When I returned, I took an old man nap with my Superman pajamas.

<time skip>

Salish pov:

"Passengers please put on your seatbelt we are going to land in five minutes," the lady said on the microphone. I packed my things and put my shoes on and so did my mom.

"I'm super excited to see Nidal I haven't seen him for so long," I said to my mom. "I know honey but promise me that when you hang out with him you won't do anything bad," she said. "of course mom I promise" I said that to my mom but you know me I'm mischievous. 

When we landed I saw Nidal beside his mom. I quickly ran up to him and we fell into each other's arms. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I quickly stood up "I missed you so much," I said to him. "I missed you too," he said "You look a lot prettier than before". "oh so I didn't look pretty last time" I teased him. "no that's not what I meant," he said with a grin.

"let's now get to the car," I said Nidal helped me without bags. I sat down beside him in the car. Suddenly I fell asleep because I was super tired.

Nidal pov:

I was texting Jiji in the car that we were already gonna come home when I felt something on my shoulder. Salish was sleeping on my shoulder I felt butterflies in my stomach. I put my arm around her for her to sleep better.

Salish pov:

After a while, I woke up and found out that I was sleeping on Nidal's shoulder. His arm was around me while I was asleep. I didn't want to end the moment so I just relaxed on his shoulder and hoped he didn't notice that I was no longer sleeping.

By the time we got to the house, I rang the doorbell with Nidal helping with the bags.

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