Su Yue is now being carried by Jiang Ci, and she feels a little embarrassed to be seen by strangers." Um, I twisted it on the mountain."  

"I have a medicinal wine for bruises and sprains at home. I'll go get it for you. It works very well," Fang Qi said warmly. 

"No need, I have some at home. . ."  

"You talk too much."  At this point, Jiang Ci interrupted Su Yue's words directly, with a tone of impatience. 

"Thank you for the fruit. We're going in now."  Su Yue was worried that Jiang Ci would say something inappropriate, so she quickly said goodbye to Fang Qi and hugged Jiang Ci tightly, gently coaxing him, "Okay, let's go in. There are steps ahead, be careful. . ."  

Fang Qi watched the two enter the house, and only then turned back home after the door was closed. 

"Son, have you delivered the fruit?" 

Li Yanmei sat at the table, enjoying the cherries her son had bought. They were so precious that he had only bought two boxes. He had originally wanted to give both boxes to the neighbor, but she was not happy, so he left one box. 

"So, did the granddaughter of Aunt Fang's eyes light up when she saw you?" Li Yanmei spit out the seeds in her mouth and asked curiously. It's not that she's conceited, but her son really is good-looking. Which girl in this village doesn't like him? "When you see her, go with her husband."  Fang Qi walked over and sat down." I thought the man she picked was ugly, but I didn't expect him to be blind."  


Li Yanmei quickly spit out the cherry in her mouth, almost choking." Who's blind? Are you saying that Fang's granddaughter married a blind man?" 

"Yes."  He had looked into the man's eyes earlier and felt that his gaze was strange. When he heard Su Yue's reminder about the man, he remembered that the blind old man at the village entrance had the same kind of eyes, lifeless and unable to see anything. 

"No way, their family is so rich. They even paid to repair the roads in the village. They wouldn't marry a blind man, would they?" Li Yanmei looked surprised. 

Fang Qi leaned back in his chair, looking unconcerned. "Mom, with her previous appearance, black and fat, which man would marry her? Only a blind man would."  Knowing that the man was blind, Fang Qi was more confident in winning Su Yue. Everyone knew who to choose. 

On the other side, Su's grandmother looked at Jiang Ci carrying Su Yue back and hurriedly asked, "What happened? Why do you have to carry her back?" 

"It's okay, I stepped on a stone and twisted my foot a bit."  Su Yue pushed Jiang Ci." Jiang Ci, you can put me down now."  

"You twisted your foot?" Su's grandmother looked worried." Let me see how serious it is. Do you need to go to the hospital?" 

"It's nothing, just a little swollen. Do we have any medicinal alcohol at home?" Su Yue moved her twisted foot, which still hurt a bit. 

"Yes, I'll go get it for you now. Oh, your grandfather broke his leg, and you sprained your foot going up the mountain. I'll burn incense later and pray to the Bodhisattva."  Su's grandmother went into the room and took out a bottle of medicinal wine." You have to rub it hard for it to work." 

"Okay, I know. Grandma, where is Haohao?" She didn't see the little guy's figure. 

"The child played with the little chickens in the backyard and got tired. He's sleeping in the room now. I'll wake him up for dinner later. You go and apply the medicine quickly, or it will swell and be painful." 

I don't mind if you're ugly and blind [transmigration novel] ChatGPT TranslatedWhere stories live. Discover now