"Maybe pick who has the bigger dick then?"

"They're . . . kinda big in different ways. And I don't care about dick sizes."

"Oh, yeah! I just remembered that guy you once showed me that had a micro-penis, but his body was hot so you said you'd"

"—Shut up! We don't have to talk about this again!"

"Aw, I'm sorry, Lucy. I really wish I could help, but that's up to you bud."

I sat up and moved to the edge of the bed. "Yeah, it's okay. I'll figure it out."

Dorian and I talked for a good while until we were separated by Sonam who had been yelling in the background about the men in the apartment who did nothing to help her. After that, I laid in bed for a little longer, thinking about all of the conversations we had, and all of the conversations we couldn't have because I was keeping things from him. It sucked, but nothing I could do except learn how to keep going without letting him in.

I checked up on Jin every now and then. He remained quiet the entire day and night. The only time he broke that was when we were getting hungry, so he sent me across the street to fetch us more burgers. Tomorrow was Monday and it was my responsibility to do groceries for us and make sure we weren't going to live on burgers. They were delicious, but it wasn't healthy.

There weren't as many people around, mostly because it was almost closing time. There were three suspicious men sitting in a car away from the fast food restaurant that made me feel nervous. Was I judging people because of the PTSD I had? Yes. They looked suspicious. They were older, not eating any food, just sitting in a car facing our apartment building, and they had sunglasses on at night. If that wasn't suspicious, then I didn't know what was.

My nerves calmed a little when nothing happened. They didn't even shoot a glance in my direction.

It didn't make me feel any better though. Was I going to look at every person from now on and be scared that one of them could just kidnap me and kill me? Was that the reality of this world I lived in? If it happened again, would anyone even know? Would they find me in time? I knew in the back of my mind that the first time was luck. I wasn't going to be that lucky next time.

When I returned with the food, I kept quiet about my feelings. It wasn't something I should talk about with Jin. There were too many details he wasn't supposed to know, just like Dorian. At least with Jin I could talk about some experiences with Devilian, but that was it.

"I think I'll do fine on the project," Jin said as he picked up his burger and took a bite. "I'll barely pass, but that's fine. It's on me for waiting till the last minute."

"If you need help, I'll try my best," I said, sitting on the couch.

He smiled at me. "Thanks, but I'm okay. It wasn't a super hard project. My teachers left the hard shit for last month. This is just one last jab to make sure we remember them after we're gone."

"I'm glad I never have to do this. So happy."

He snorted. "Yeah, now you're in a gang."


He shrugged his shoulders playfully. "Can I ask you something serious?"


"Do you have your mask?"

"I do."

His eyes went wide. "Can I see it?"

"Sure, I guess."

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