Chapter One

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Healer Webley had delivered James when Fleamont and Euphemia had been expecting him. He had also delivered the heartbreaking news when they had a few miscarriages along the way. He cared for James from infancy to adulthood and he was there treating Euphemia and Fleamont when they had been sick and eventually recovered in time to meet their grandson. Webley had been there when James and Lily were expecting their first child, had delivered Harry, and was sadly there to oversee the baby boy's autopsy just 15 months later. Four years and two miscarriages later he was there when the twins were born.

To say Healer Webley and the Potters were close would be a massive understatement. They were far closer than a patient and a healer should be, but the Webley's have been the Potter's family Healer for many generations, Fleamont had practically watched him grow up and become the doctor he would rely on today. He had other patients, but none he felt as close to as he did with Potters.

That isn't to say some days he feels like being the Potter's family doctor isn't a challenge and more Karma for his rebellious teenage years than a reward for all the hard work he did afterwards.

"You can't tell dad." Webley stared at Olivia with a single brow raised, her wrist was at an odd angle and she had a few scratches down her arms and on her face.

"I make no promises. Now tell me what happened."

"Well you know how dad won't let us on a broom without supervision still even though we are practically almost teeangers?"

"At the old age of ten?" Webley asked amused

"Almost eleven.." Olivia snarked, "Well dad and mom were out and you know grandpa and grandma are getting up there in age these days so I snuck out and flew dad's new broom...or more like crashed dad's new broom. But I'm going to blame it on Oliver so it's fine all you need to do is patch me up."

Yes...some days it felt more like karma than a reward, but as he looked at Olivia's far too sweet and innocent face he wouldn't trade his job and favorite patients for the world.

"Fleamont and Euphemia are perfectly healthy for their age and can still give a right good punishment from what I've heard."

"Which is why if they ask you'll tell them it's patient healer confidentiality who you worked on."

"That's not how that works." Webley told her as he rolled the chair away from the bed and went to his desk that had the order forms, "I'll order what I need, but unfortunately for you an adult needs to be present before I give you the potions. Which means someone is getting a call, I'll let you deliberate on that and come up with a suitable answer."

"Well you're an adult aren't you?" Olivia said

"I am, but I am not your guardian. Nice try."

"I want a new healer." Webley started chuckling as he filled out the order form, "I mean it. I want a new one."

"Good luck with that. Here, fill out this complaint form and give it to your father once you're done and he will come speak to me about my behavior, I'm sure. Unless of course you don't want your father to know you crashed his new broom and needed treatment behind his back?"

"You don't play fair."

"No Olivia, I just know the rules better than you. Don't forget I treated James as a child and a teenager. You can try, but I will always win. Now think of which guardian you want here with you."

"Grandpa of course. I'll just bat my eyes and hope for the best I guess."

"Smart girl. I'll be back momentarily." Webley stood up and left the room Olivia was in then headed to his office where he firecalled Potter Manor. He had to wait a few moments before Fleamont answered the firecalled.

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