
Su Yue suddenly leaned close to Jiang Ci's left cheek, her black and bright eyes staring wide, looking carefully. She even reached out to touch the uneven scar, "Jiang Ci, why do I feel like your scar is smoother?"

Jiang Ci grabbed Su Yue's wrist. He felt that her courage was getting bigger and bigger. Not only did she stare at his face, but she also touched his scar. Smelling her faint milk fragrance, his eyebrows relaxed, and his thin lips lifted lazily as he spoke, "That's because you haven't woken up yet." 

"Is it an illusion?" Su Yue blinked her eyes and withdrew her hand with some regret. Yes, for no reason, how could Jiang Ci's scar become smaller. Jiang Ci's eyes lifted, wanting to mock her for having bad eyesight, but when she opened her eyes, the light in front of her made her stunned. 

The sun had just risen, and the grass on the green slope was covered in sparkling dewdrops, bending under the weight. 

In another tent, when Jin Mingyuan woke up, she saw Xu Xue walking in. 

"Xue Xue, good morning," Jin Mingyuan yawned, her hair still messy. 

Xu Xue lowered her head and lightly responded, "Good morning." 

Jin Mingyuan gathered her hair behind her, "You went out so early. . ." 

Wait, she suddenly raised her head and looked at Xu Xue again. She was still wearing yesterday's clothes. When she went to bed last night, Xu Xue hadn't come back yet. She knew Xu Xue had gone on a date with Gu Xuechang. Looking at Xu Xue's wrinkled clothes, did she spend the whole night with him?

"Hey, Xue Xue, you just came back now, right?" Jin Mingyuan winked and teased, "You spent the whole night with Gu Chengfeng, right? Tsk tsk, don't tell me you slept in his tent?"

Xu Xue suddenly raised her head, her pale face turning red in an instant. She quickly shook her head, "Don't think too much, Gu Xuechang and I didn't do anything."  She bit her lip, her eyes a little red, "I need to change my clothes. Do you want to go out and brush your teeth and wash your face?"

"Okay, okay, I know you didn't do anything bad," Jin Mingyuan said with a knowing expression, not asking any further. After all, Xu Xue was a bit naive and easily embarrassed. She was afraid of making Xu Xue cry, "Xue Xue, you're really too shy. Okay, I'll go out, you change your clothes." 

After Jin Mingyuan left, Xu Xue changed her clothes. There were many red marks on her fair skin. She sniffed and forced back her tears. 

After breakfast, many people left the farm. 

Su Yue thought that Xiao Haohao liked it here, so she stayed with him and Jiang Ci for another day. They spent the whole day feeding goats, catching fish, picking fruits. . . Xiao Haohao was very happy, and his smile never faded. 

When they returned to Jiang's house, it was already Sunday afternoon. They had just gotten off the car when the butler came to find them. 

"Young Master Jiang Ci, Madam, you're back," the butler hurriedly said with a troubled expression." Young Master Mu Hang has returned home from the hospital to recuperate. Madam said that Young Master Mu Hang's injuries have recovered well, and she's not worried about anyone disturbing his rest. Young Master Jiang Ci should go and see him." 

Su Yue frowned. Did that mean they were being blamed for not visiting Jiang Mu Hang?

Su Yue had never cared about Jiang Mu Hang's injuries before. One reason was that he had a protagonist halo and couldn't die, and the other reason was that she simply didn't care about him. But Jiang Ci was Jiang Mu Hang's brother, and it was reasonable for him to show some concern. 

I don't mind if you're ugly and blind [transmigration novel] ChatGPT TranslatedWhere stories live. Discover now