The Meet

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I walked out of the hospital elevator waiting to see who my carer for the next six months would be. After being stuck in this hospital I don't care if I have to be looked after even though I'm 19 as long as I'm able to sleep in a proper bed.

"This way" the nurse that I didn't know the name of said.

I looked into the distance and saw a girl with black hair and bangs and I swear I could see a bit of red peeking through the ridiculous beanie cap combo she was wearing. She was wearing a baggy sweat shirt and sweat pants. She was short but still taller than me and looked no older than 21. This would be a nice change from all the old hags in this hospital.

"Hi it's nice to meet you, I'm Billie" she spoke, her voice was kind of raspy but still soft. 

She went to shake my hand, I looked her up and down but landed on her blue eyes, they were the most beautiful shade of blue, almost clear. She smiled at me so I smiled back and shook her hand.

"I'm Isabelle but call me Izzy"


We were driving in the car about halfway to our final destination. The song Cancer by My Chemical Romance was playing and Billie was quietly humming in the drivers seat. She had a beautiful voice I observed her from the passengers seat, even her side profile was perfect.

"Everything ok?" she looked over clearly realising I had been staring at her. 

I quickly looked down at my lap breaking the eye contact "yep all good" I said with my cheeks turning a light shade of pink

She let out a small breathy chuckle probably realising that I had been blushing "how about we get to know each other a bit more?" she said glancing at me then turning her head back to the road.

"Ok" I said shyly still a bit embarrassed 

"Well you already know my name uhh I'm 21 and I'm a singer" she said. 

My eyes widened "you mean like you make music?" Billie softly laughs "yeah with my older brother Finneas" I've now realised what a dumb question that was. "oh my god thats so cool" I say my cheeks only getting hotter. Billie laughs, that didn't help

"Well I'm 19 and I have Schizophrenia so I have no occupation" I said sort of coldly.

 Billie looks at me in a guilty way "don't look at me like that" I said with a breathy laugh to lighten the mood.

 "Sorry" she then turns back to look at the road looking more guilty than before. 

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