Chapter 4

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The Next Day

I woke up early because we have classes today, I did my morning routines first before I went out of my room and immediately went to the kitchen to cook breakfast for me and the sleepyheads so yeah. As I cooking, I sing little, I didn't know Tobio- kun and others stand in front of the door
"uh Y/n?" Tobio-kun called

I flinch little bit and I turn around
"oh hi guys you're awake? Just sit there, I'm almost finish" I said to them
"let me help you Y/n" Tobio-kun said
"Okay Tobio-kun" I said

He help me finish cooking
"uhm guys I'll just take a shower okay? Just eat"  I said
"me too" Tobio-kun said as he walk to bathroom

There's bathroom at the kitchen, I went to my room then went to the bathroom and take a shower. After few minutes I finished, I blown my hair and wear my uniform. I went out of my room and I saw Hinata and Noya senpai still eating so I join
"you're still not finished?" I ask
"Nwo" they answer with their mouths are full of food
"Just finish it, we have to go to school" I said as I took a bite on bread with egg

As we finish eating, we saw Tobio-kun putting hairwax or hair gel on his hair
"what are you doing, Tobio-kun?" I ask
" I want to look handsome" Tobio- kun responded
"but Tobio-kun you're handsome enough already so if you want, I will help you with that" I said
"Okay" he said

As we finish eating, we saw Tobio-kun putting hairwax or hair gel on his hair"what are you doing, Tobio-kun?" I ask" I want to look handsome" Tobio- kun responded"but Tobio-kun you're handsome enough already so if you want, I will help you with th...

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"nah" I said

"oum that's better, you look cute Tobio-kun in that hairstyle I love it" I said as I smiled

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"oum that's better, you look cute Tobio-kun in that hairstyle I love it" I said as I smiled

Tobio-kun just smile sweetly that it made everyone staring at us disbelief.
"what? Why are you guys staring at us like that? Have you seen Tobio- kun smiled before?" I ask
"no we didn't see this side of him" Suga senpai responded
"oh right he change because he want to be the best volleyball player, but for me and for his family he's the best" I said
"stop talking guys, we need to go to school" Daichi senpai said

As we enter the school, the students staring and they start to gossiping about me again but Tobio-kun and others save me
"hey She's not wh*re or sl*t okay? Tsukishima's wrong about Y/n! She's amazing and wonderful friend to us" Tobio-kun said in his scary voice
"yeah she even invited us to her apartment to have movie marathon and she even cooked breakfast for us" Hinata said
"yeah she's so sweet, gently and helpful, she even do Kageyama's hair earlier" Suga senpai said
"she even let us ride with her, she's not attention seeker, she's deserve all of the attentions in this world, if you want to mess with Y/n, you'll be dead" Yamaguchi said in his serious voice
"if you don't have anything good to say, just go to your representative classrooms" Daichi said in his very scary voice
"uhm... Guys? That's not necessary, please relax, you're scaring everyone" I said

I tried to calm them down but they're angry especially Tobio-kun
"you know what? Just take me to my classroom already" I said

They nodded

We're here at front of my classroom
"Thanks for company me until here guys" I said
" it was nothing" Tobio-kun said as he kiss my forehead

My mind blank so I blink my eyes several times and my classmates screaming and squealing like pigs

I saw Tsukishima walking towards here so I thought an idea
"Thanks for company me until here guys" Y/n said sweetly
"it was nothing" I said as I kiss his her forehead

I laugh at her reactions, she even blink her eyes several times, all of her classmates screaming and squealing.
"you're so cute when you're blushing, Y/n" I compliment her as I pinch her chubby cheeks
"w-w-what?" she shuttering

She's stunned to speak, I look at my side secretly, I saw Tsukishima clenched his fist, his jaw is out of place and I look at his eyes, I saw anger, jealousy and regret in his eyes. I smirk at him secretly, he want to punch me so bad but he walk away. He's such coward comes to love.
"Just go inside already" I said
" o-okay" she shuttering

She went

inside her classroom, she immediately sit on her seat and she buried her face on the table because of embarasment. She look up, she look at me and whispered " i hate you Kageyama Tobio" then I whispered back " I love you too bestie" I laugh. Me and others walk to the gym
"Kageyama Tobio! what was that earlier?" Daichi-san ask
"oh I saw Tsukishima walking so I thought an idea so that's why I'm become sweet towards Y/n? Because I saw that guy he choose wrong and I want him to regret everything what he said to Y/n" I responded

Nishinoya-san was about to say something but I stopped him when we came in and we saw Tsukishima spike the ball angrily. That's what I thought? That's right Tsukishima, just mad, I will make you mad even more, I smirk at him him
"oh hi guys I'm glad you're here, Tsukishima don't want to stop spiking the balls, some of the balls are almost pop" Yachi said
"yikes" Nagita said
"don't worry I can handle it, thanks Yachi" Daichi-san said
"oh oh oh he's mad" Tanaka-san said
"very very mad" Nishinoya-san agree
"Tanaka, Nishinoya" Suga-san warned

Tanaka -san and Nishinoya-san close their mouths
"Tsukishima Kei! Stop it already!" Daichi-san shout

But Tsukishima didn't listen to him so I hit Tsukishima in the head with the ball. Tsukishima turn his head to me, he's gloomier now, he walk towards me and I thought he would punch me but he took the ball instead.
"that's unexpected" Hinata said
"Yeah now I knew he's jealous" I agree

I have an idea to make Tsukishima jealous even more *insert evil laugh*
" what are you thinking, Kageyama? Don't tell me..." Hinata ask
"boke Hinata boke! That's not it!" I said as I hit him in the nape

I smirked when I had an idea, Tsukishima Kei, I will make you jealous even more everytime you saw Y/n with me *insert evil laugh* It's a blackmail worthy if he's super duper jealous
"oh god no" Hinata said

I just roll my eyes, we went practice

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