in my dreams - nomin

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"in my dreams you loved me back"
based on, in my dreams by red velvet

college au, nct bxb

3310 words

jaemin loves jeno, too much. yet hes not sure if jeno loves him back just as much. jeno seems to be straight because he talks about girls which just makes jaemins heart hurt. it hurted too much to watch jeno. jaemin is too afraid to tell jeno and jeno... always visits jaemin's dreams.

"jaemin! jaemin wake up!!" renjun next to hin whispered loudly, making jaemin groan as he sat up straighter in his seat, wiping the sleepiness away from his eyes that was fighting to not close again.

"sorry.. mr. seo's voice is so boring.. i keep falling asleep here and- nevermind." jaemin opened his notebook and shook off his thoughts about his dreams. renjun sighed and mumbled something under his breath, continuing to jot down notes.

the dream where jeno nearly kissed jaemin. apparently the male thinks of jeno so often that, lately hes been appearing in his dreams. this was the only way jaemin could fantasize about jeno and the preferred relationship they could have.

jaemin had so many dreams about jeno, he cant even control his dreams but they just happen. the one where they stare into the stars, holding hands. the one where they have a cute arcade date and jeno gets plushes for him from the claw machine. the one where they have a cute movie date, where they're watching a horror movie so they're curled up together. the one where the two skip classes to kiss and cuddle. jaemin just wanted to even be with jeno, be in his presence.

the thing is, jeno is too popular with the girls. hes always caught up with them some how. hes so popular that girls even make up lies that they kissed jeno and his lips tasted like so and so, but jaemin knew, or at least hoped, the girls only did that for attention and only saw the male's flavored lipbalm. but, it was none of jaemin's business on jeno's preferred gender and love life.

the main thing was, jeno is too popular and jaemin could never be able to get close to him.

he hated that. the way he had to watch from afar, the way he had to watch the sight of jeno surrounded by people. once he saw jeno hanging out with one. there was never a chance to interact.

jeno was perfect in every way, pretty looks, good grades (like very high), popular, loved by teachers, good manners, and good personality too. but jeno couldnt actually be perfect. he had problems with family which he never shares. jaemin, wasn't sure what he himself was. sure his grades were pretty good too, he works hard to have presentable visuals, he has good manners and personality, but hes not popular. although he prefers it to be that way, sometimes he wishes he's more known so jeno could notice him.

besides all of that though, jaemin was pretty sure jeno was straight. like 85% sure but he wouldn't assume. he never heard of jeno dating men or talking about men.

jaemin realized he should be taking notes down since he would be having a quick test later on in the week about this topic the professor was teaching. he quickly caught up to the professer's boring dull voice that was quite sleep inducing. alas, jaemin pushed on till the end of this last class he had for the day.

once jaemin packed up his books and pencil case, he went to go exit with renjun and as they exited the campus they parted ways to their respective apartments and he then slipped on his headphones, turning on some music to fill in the quietness of walking back alone on a day with not many people on the streets.

jaemin sighed, still feeling sleepy after his class.
"hhh if i fall asleep when i get home would jeno be in my dreams again? the only world where jeno could simply love me back," jaemin said as he smiled bitterly, walking to his now near apartment.

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