The beginning.

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AUTHOR NOTE-This is my first time writing a public fanfiction. If you like this first chaptor, please comment on what I should do for the second chaptor-.

It all started on a snowy December night, Harry had been walking through the forbidden forest when he heard a hiss of a snake. Harry started to approach the snake to see that it was the one and only Dark Lord's snake Nagi. Harry and Nagi sat together Harry speaking paseltongue when they heard footsteps behind them. The dark lord, Tom Marvolo Riddle, approached them as Nagi told him that Harry had been betrayed by Albus Dumbledore. Harry looked at him and explained that he had found a later from Dumbledore that he was planning to have delivered  after he died and the war was over. It would make Harry go to Azkaban and possibly be killed. Tom looked at Harry for a second and sighed "alright, would you like to join my ranks?". Harry looked at him and told him, " I do not wish to be looked down at as a follower, I wish to be looked at as an equal.".  Tom smirked. " Okay, I suppose that we could work this out," he said.  Harry smiled at Tom and said, " Yes, I suppose we could."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2023 ⏰

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