Chapter Nine: Island

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Anne heard her roommate stir from their room and eventually wander down into the hall.

"Morning," Anne greeted, a piece of toast clenched in her teeth. She was dressed and eating breakfast before her 9AM biology class. It was Friday the 21st, and right after her lectures she'd be going over the final revisions for Sasha's bio assignment at the library.

"Morning," Marcy echoed through a yawn. "What's this?" They gestured to the table.

"I know your class isnt until 11 but it doesnt hurt to make a second egg for you, yknow?" Anne slid the plate over, swinging her bag around her shoulder. "There's toast too: I put the cream cheese away but I can get it back out if you want."

Marcy seated themself, then fixed their glasses, noticing something shiny hanging off of Anne's school bag.

"That's new, where'd you get it?" Marcy inquired, pointing to a small, red, frog key charm.

"Oh, Hopediah?" Anne glanced down at the new little frog dangling from its chain. "Sasha gave it to me yesterday, isnt he cute?"

To that sentence, Marcy fell quiet.

"So...thats why you left campus yesterday?"

"Oh, I thought I told you? I was going to Diamond Rows?"

"I mean I knew you were leaving campus, but not the Sasha part," Marcy spoke timidly, tension held in the expression on her lips.

Anne stiffened, her palm rigid on the table.

"Well...knowing what happened Monday...I thought it would be better if I didnt say," Anne confessed, guilt creeping through her tone.

Marcy took a deep sigh. "Anne, its okay for you to have your own friends. I understand that I'm not in control of you or your choices, but I thought we told each other everything?" Her voice soft, as if wounded.

"But, we do-"

"Do we?"

Anne found herself hesitating.

"You know my opinion of Sasha. I dont really think shes a good friend for you, but what you do is out of my scope of control," Marcy continued.

"Stop acting like you know exactly what kind of a person she is," Anne asserted. "You barely know her. I know you're worried for me, but arent you being judgemental? Arent you being just as bad as the people you claim are awful?"

"And don't you see how you're just the Lady Warriors little pawn? How do you seem to trust Sasha more than me?" Marcy stood beside her previous thoughts. "I know you've been around the team lately, its not like I dont see what Sasha or any of the players post. What? Do you think youre one of them now?"

"No-" Anne interjected.

"Do you think theyre just cooler than me?"

"What? Of course not-"

"Okay then; what really is the benefit of helping Sasha with her paper? Tell me, Anne, what information did you really get for your article that wasnt just Josie, Claire and Sasha tooting their own horns?" Marcy stated crisply.

Anne skimmed her mind for the right answer, but from her mouth escaped no words; there was no answer. In a sense, Marcy was right.

Just then, a musical tune began to play from Marcys phone. Their screen lit, reading WAKE UP!!! as the alarm name. It was 9:00AM.

Anne let out a frustrated sigh and quickly gathered her things, leaving their dorm without a single word to Marcy.


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