Please Read! IMPORTANT

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             A/n:.....I'am so sorry that I have been gone for like 3 weeks or more I just got out of school a few days ago and I just wanted a break from everything that was going on most of my friends became emotionally and physically abusive and it just made me so depressed. But that is not a reason to stop updating a book for a while. We have accomplished so much in less than a year since I wrote this book and I hope it goes even further, we went from 0 reads to almost 17 THOUSAND. 

I never even gave a thought about writing a full blown story and posting it online for people to see, I was so shy and nervous about if people would like it or think it would be cringe and post hate comments but I've had none of that and I am so thankful for you guys. I don't know what to say but how much I love you guys and appreciate your support.

 I hope that when I am older I'll help people buy just posting continuously and it would get out to so many people. The biggest goal I have for this book is 100k I know that's a big one and I'm not sure if I will even get there but even if I don't I will continue to write stories and try to get even better than I already am. 

I am so sorry about not posting much at all and I have barley any chapters that aren't Authors note and I will try to be better at that. I love you guys so so so so much more than I thought I was capable of I know that's does't make sense but I just have a hard time shows people I love them without being afraid of them rejecting it. I promise to post as much as I can during the summer. 

I seen a few people comment about Tengen Uzui being either a love interest or a platonic love interest but I have decided to keep him as a PLATONIC love interest cause it is just uncomfortable for me to write someone as a love interest when they are older than 19 and have multiple wives it is just hard for me to write that as a 14 year old. I'm sorry cause that will possibly upset a few of you I'm not pointing anyone out and please don't in the comments. 

For those who can't read all that cause it is just to long I'll simplify it by saying I am thankful for your support and I love you so much. 

I love you all so much and have a great night or day where ever you live eat healthy, drink water, and be as positive as you can if you have trouble with that than that's okay, just know that you guys are beautiful or handsome whatever you prefer. I came on here to make friends but I got even more than that I got a whole family, you guys and I am so thankful for that. 

I love you guys so so so much I will always be here for you whenever. Get sleep, eat healthy, drink water or protein shakes, and share love with the people you love. 

When we reach 17k comment if you want a face reveal or name and other things basically an info chapter about your author :3

REMEMBER I LOVE YOU AND BE HAPPY or at least try to =v= 

LOVE, Your beloved Author:P

Y/n Gojo: A Demon Slayer x Reader fanfic DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now