Chapter Three: Part In The Clouds

Start from the beginning

Anne stared at it, hesitated, then sent a new message.

Hey, my morning just freed up. Anne sent.

And to her surprise, Sasha replied fairly quick.

oh cool. i just finished up at the gym, i can meet you outside after i shower.

or did you want a specified time?

I can meet you outside, that's fine. Anne replied. My time is limited but I'll do what I can.

alrighttt 💯💯

Anne stuck her phone in her back pocket and began her journey. The university utility building that held the gym was the southern wing.

North Angelwood Uni was split into four different wings, each with different purposes. The north wing held student and teacher resources. Meeting rooms, counseling services, careership offices, medical personnel and recreational facilities like computer, reading and project lounges.

The east wing was the technical wing, where a majority of the trade school classes and workshops were held. Those were classes that were more hands-on, they gave students real world experience and allowed them to really learn about their professions.

The west wing was held for the more general courses. The standard math, science, history, and so on. The southern wing occupied the largest part of campus: it held the swimming pool; both a community gymnasium and school gymnasium for school events or games; had band and chorus classrooms, which were specially made with sound insulation; and of course, the track and different sports fields just outside.

Anne took the indoor route, following the east wing of the school, snaking toward hallways before finally reaching the community gymnasium. She didn't see Sasha anywhere in sight so she assumed she was still using the showers. A row of benches just outside the showers lined the wall and she took a seat, patiently waiting.

She found this to be an odd meeting spot. It made sense though, Sasha being in such a rough physical sport didn't just require time but actual effort, especially for a varsity player. Anne knew Sasha was also a track runner, but that was only during the spring. She was most famously known on the track team as their hurdler and long jump athlete, her physique fit the event perfectly.

"Oh, sorry I made you wait," a familiar voice directed Anne's focus.

The bathroom door swung shut as Sasha stepped out, a duffle bag slung around her shoulder. A towel in her other hand was rubbing out the extra water in her hair. She wore a thin white tank and a pair of sweats.

"You're" Anne caught herself in hesitation, "...fine," she blinked and directed her eyes at a random exercise machine.

Damn, she is stacked. Anne thought abashedly. She knew Sasha was an athlete and all but she was way more muscular than she thought.

"I don't have any of my bio stuff on me, it's all at my dorm," Sasha apprised. "I can grab it really quick, unless you wanna come with me."

"Uh, sure," Anne replied, following her to the exit.

"Did you have a specific place you had in mind for this?"

"Not really, I kind of texted on a whim," Anne hummed. "I had a meeting with the committee today, but it was moved to Saturday."

"Ah, we can stay in my dorm if you want," the girl offered, then quickly added. "Er, only if you want- I mean if you're comfortable. You don't have to if you don't want-"

"Sure," Anne answered yes with little thought.

"Awesome. I have a dorm mate named Maggie, she's a little loud but she won't bother us. She's got classes from 10 to 3 today."

Helmet Hair, Paper Affairs: A Sashanne FanficWhere stories live. Discover now