Part 11- the end

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Since Margaret departed Uncle has been on an absolute rampage. Louisa, Henry, and I found it better to spend our days outside. The bright early afternoon sun warms our cheeks as we lounge in the grass.
Louisa braids the dandelions into a crown and hums a familiar melody a few feet from where Henry and I are sitting.
I quietly lace my fingers through the grass as Henry stares into the sky contemplatively.

"How much worse do you think the tantrum will become when he finds that you are courting Viscount Tewksbury?" Henry muses.
"I'm not courting the Viscount." I mutter.
"Why ever not?"
"He's allowing me to set the pace, and I was worried about Margaret; however I wish to speak with him soon. I've found I care for him more than I thought I would."
"James would be happy you found love again."
I smile to myself, "I know."

"You should go speak with him now." Henry suggests.
I raise my eyebrows at him, "Unannounced? With no true reason?"
"If you wait too long you're going to back down because you are as spineless as a worm at times."
I glare at him, "you are a logger-headed, folly-fallen lout."
He chuckles, "no need to be rude."
What if I did go now?

"I'll be on my way now." I decide
"To the Viscount's? Do you require a companion?"
"I'm quite alright."

As I'm about to knock on the door I come face to face with Tewksbury on his way out.
He raises his eyebrows, "Oh, Viscountess Y/n."
"I did not mean to catch you on the way out. I can come back on another occasion."
"Do not go." He chuckles, "I was on my way to your manor."
I smile, "perhaps for a walk on the grounds instead?"
He offers me his arm and I immediately slide mine through it.

"I haven't seen you in some time." Tewksbury says once we're a few steps from his door.
I sigh, "Uncle has gone absolutely mad since Margaret left, and he has never been particularly fond of you."
"Your brother always supports my notions."
I shake my head, "that is not what I came to speak of however."
He casts his eyes to me attentively.

I take a deep breath, "You seemed to have peaked my interest in more than one manner."
"As have you."
I pull a rose out of my coat and hand it to him.
He accepts it with a smile, then pulls a rose out of his jacket and hands it to me, "Why must you always ruin my moments?"
I accept it with a giggle.
He looks around for a moment then steals a kiss.
"Shall we enter a formal courtship then?" I ask blissfully.
He beams making the sun look dim comparatively, "we shall."

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