XII - Basilik

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Harry and Astrix turns to face the statue of Salazar Slytherin as a rumbling begins; Riddle turns around to face him as the statue's mouth starts to open. "Let's match the power of Lord Voldemort, Heir of Salazar Slytherin, against the famous Harry Potter and Astrix Lupin." Harry gulps and turns toward the statue again as he hears an ominous snarling that appears to be coming from inside the statue and hyperventilates; Riddle turns to face the statue's mouth as the Basilisk shrieks "Hungry!" from within the statue. The stone slab concealing the statue's mouth stops descending; a split second afterwards, the Basilisk emerges from the darkness and starts to come into the light, growling menacingly. Astrix throws the Sorting Hat onto the floor in front of Ginny and races back towards the door to the Chamber as the Basilisk's head comes out of the statue's mouth and its snake-like body lowers into the surrounding water; Riddle, immune to the Basilisk's lethal gaze, watches the creature.

"Sethae- He- Hashi!" (Kill them!) it turns his attention to the fleeing pair as the Basilisk's body curves to its right behind it "Parseltongue won't save you now, Potter." the Basilisk's tail drops into the water behind him "It only obeys me! The Basilisk slithers after the dul with a ferocious growl. The pair races down the corridor as fast as he can while the Basilisk is in hot pursuit; unfortunately, Harry loses his footing on the slippery floor and trips, allowing the Basilisk to catch up with him. His glasses clatter to the floor in front of him; Astrix grabs them and gives them to harry; he immediately puts them back on before realizing the Basilisk is right above him and Astrix covers Harry with her body, Just as the Basilisk is about to attack Harry, Fawkes emits his cry, getting their attention. Fawkes swoops down, going directly for the Basilisk, and attacks the colossal snake, pecking at it, with Harry observing their fight by watching their shadows on the wall.

"Your bird may have blinded the Basilisk, but it can still hear you." Harry and Astrix turns around to see that the Basilisk's yellow eyes are bloody. The Basilisk thrashes around furiously as Fawkes flies off; Harry gets to his feet, and steps backwards, stepping into something slimy, causing a splattering sound; Harry looks down to see what he stepped in. At the same time, the Basilisk stops thrashing about and blindly glares at Harry, who looks up again and makes a run for a passageway to his right. The Basilisk lunges at Harry, Astrix tackles harry out the way "WHAT THE FUCK PRONGS?!" she yelled, theu runs as fast as they can, into a tunnel just to his left as the Basilisk lunges at him again, smashing through a stalactite. Astrix runs through the tunnel, looking back to see if the Basilisk is still behind them; they turns left into an alcove.

only to find their path blocked by a grate. He struggles to move it, but turns around upon hearing the Basilisk coming into the tunnel. they steps back against the grate, as the Basilisk comes to their position. The Basilisk hisses at him and approaches them with its mouth open. Astrix picks up a rock at her feet and throws it; the sound of the rock distracts the Basilisk, who slithers off into another passageway. fhenpair races back into the Chamber where Riddle and Ginny are.

"Yes, Potter. The process is nearly complete." Harry puts his hand on Ginny's hand again "In a few minutes, Ginny Weasley will be dead, and I will cease to be a memory." Harry looks up at him "Lord Voldemort will return... very... much... alive."

The Basilisk bursts out of the water surrounding the Slytherin statue and thrashes about; Harry turns toward the Sorting Hat, where a sword magically appears. Astrix, without hesitation, grabs the sword and holds it up defensively as the Basilisk slithers toward them. the pair races for the statue and begins to climb it; the Basilisk blindly follows their movements, using its tongue to track their location and lifts its body off the floor. The Basilisk uses its tongue again to find Astrix's current position directly in front of it; she swings the sword at the Basilisk; it lunges directly at him, she dodges, and it smashes right into the statue. Harry takes the sword and climbs higher as the Basilisk lunges at him again, missing again; Harry climbs onto the top of the statue's head, the Basilisk lunges at Harry repeatedly as he swings the sword wildly at the creature. Eventually, the Basilisk sends Harry rolling down the side of the statue, causing him to lose the sword.

seeing the sword about to slide off the top of the statue's head "No!" a hand took the sword and Astrix stood directly infront of harry "protect and defend right, Prongs?" Astrix asked, she rams it right through the Basilisk's upper jaw. The Basilisk bellows in pain until Harry pulls the sword out. Harry hisses in pain as one of the Basilisk's venomous fangs just fell into her arm; Harry pulls the fang out, unfortunately, the venom is already in her bloodstream. The Basilisk thrashes around, roaring and bellowing in pain, collapsing under its weight, and falls backwards to the floor, dead, splashing water everywhere; Riddle stares at the Basilisk's corpse in disbelief.

"Protect and Defend.. im sorry i couldnt do neither." Harry apologized, "dont worry.. you'll pay me back someday.." Astrix responded. the pair walks past the Basilisk's corpse, and, dropping the sword and falling to his knees, he crawls towards Ginny once more as Riddle walks toward them.

"Remarkable, isn't it? How quickly the venom of the Basilisk penetrates the body. I guess you have little more than a minute to live. You'll be with your dear Mudblood mother soon, Harry." Harry extends his left hand to Ginny's again "Funny... the damage a silly little book can do... especially in the hands of a silly little girl." Harry looks to the diary in Ginny's arm and carefully pulls it out, placing it on the floor between her and the Basilisk fang "What are you doing?" Harry picks up the Basilisk fang and holds it up while staring at Riddle, who immediately realizes what Harry is about to do "Stop. No!" Harry stabs one of the diary's pages with the fang as Riddle steps forward to try and stop him; Riddle's body crumbles and gives a discharge of yellow light; ink starts to ooze from the diary, Riddle recoils and growls with rage; Harry pries the fang out. Riddle attempts to attack, Astrix takes the fang and stabs the other page, crippling Riddle, and causing him to crumble further; Harry takes the fang back and closes the diary and stabs the cover with the Basilisk fang; Riddle screams in agony and disintegrates into yellow particles; shortly after Riddle's demise, Ginny awakens, hyperventilating, and sits up.

"Ginny." Harry said, "Harry, it was me. But, I swear, I didn't mean to... Riddle made me. And..." she notices Astrix's injury, "Astrox... you're hurt." she said in concern, "Don't worry. Ginny, you need to get yourself out. Follow the Chamber, and you'll find Ron." Fawkes emits his song again; the three both look down the corridor to see him flying towards them; he swoops around the Basilisk's body, and lands in between them, then steps over to Astrid "You were brilliant, Fawkes. I just wasn't quick enough." Fawkes emits a soft grunt, then lowers his head to Harry's wound, and cries on it; the wound miraculously disappears; Ginny stares in amazement "Of course!" lifting his healed arm "Phoenix tears have healing powers." Fawkes grunts affirmatively as Astrix glances at him "Thanks." looks at Ginny "It's all right, Ginny. It's over. It's just a memory." Harry reassured

Fawkes then flies Lockhart, Ron, Astrix, Harry, and Ginny out of the Chamber of Secrets. "Amazing! This is just like magic!" Fawkes carries the five of them up towards the opening of a cave as the moon can be seen above them

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