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I've been living in England for the past TWO years, yet despite his efforts, he hasn't been able to discover me. In England, I first encountered Belle when I was walking in the area around her dance studio for a place to rest my head. It was the Christmas season, and all the hotels were occupied, leaving me stranded and exhausted. As luck would have it, Belle was nearby and noticed my presence. She kindly offered to let me stay with her, as she was living alone at the time.

On our way back to her apartment, I felt to open up to her about my past. However, as I shared my story, it seemed that I had neglected to mention one crucial detail - that I had taken the lives of numerous people. Despite the shocking nature of my confession, Belle remained calm and collected, offering her support without judgment.

After three days of staying in her apartment, Belle graciously offered me a job as a receptionist at her dance studio. I was grateful for her support during a difficult time in my life. I gladly accepted the position and began working alongside Belle, learning more about her passion for dance and the arts. it was fun every day after that.

I began to experience a newfound sense of happiness and purpose. For the first time in a long while, I felt truly happy and free to fly. It was as if I had finally discovered the primary driving force behind my existence, and it brought me joy and fulfillment.

after a whole two years, Belle started to question me every day like she had enough of me. She's right at her place I guess. As much as I didn't want to leave, I knew I needed to move forward and find a new path in life.

but she said something I have no answer for...

She asked me the question I had been ignoring ever since I discovered that the man I believed I knew was a stranger - the man with whom I had naively trusted. 

Her tone filled with curiosity and anger as she asked, "Do you love him?"

My heart raced with fear as my mind was flooded with a mix of memories - some unspeakable horrors and others lovable moments of love for the person who had captured my heart. Perhaps my feelings for him had never faded, and maybe they never would.

I took a deep breath and finally spoke, "I don't know. I'm not sure if what I felt for him was genuine or if it was just a part of the illusion he created."

Belle listened patiently as I explained my uncertain feelings. In the end, she simply said, "It's okay not to have all the answers right now. Just take your time and focus on healing and moving forward."

For hours after our conversation, I remained lost in thought, tormented by his memory. But at least now, I had someone to confide in and help me navigate through the intricacies of my emotions.

I couldn't deny it anymore--I loved him with an overwhelming passion that had become too much to bear. From the moment he gazed into my eyes on the day we met, I knew I was fascinated by him. But when the truth finally emerged, and the lies he had told were exposed, I felt as though I had been shattered into countless pieces. I was gripped by fear and confusion, unsure of what to do next

But now, after all these years, I can't deny my love for him any longer. So I have decided to tell Belle how I feel.

(Jessica is standing outside the door of her room. Belle is inside her room talking to someone unknown on her phone)

Jessica: "Belle! Are you in there?"

Belle: "Yeah, what's up?"

Jessica: "I need to tell you something important. Can I come in?"

Belle: "No, sorry. I'm in the middle of something. Just say it from there."

Jessica: "Um, I... I love George!!"

*The phone call was still on*

Belle: "Sorry, what did you say?"

Jessica: "I love George Cooper."

Belle: "Oh my god, I am happy that you figure that out, that's great! We should go out and celebrate."

Jessica: "Yeah, sure! 

Belle: "Let's do a movie night and then we will decide what you should do!?"

Jessica: that's a great plan, I am going to the market to bring some things for tonight!

belle: that sounds amazing, I would have joined you but I am busy with work.

Jessica: that's fine you complete your work.

I can't stop smiling remembering that beautiful time I spent with him, how could I forget that time and run away just like this for years? I truly loved him and so did he....he loved me too.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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