What Happens in London

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Pyril and Selin were laughing together in her office, "I told him that this time he needed to dye his hair. People would think that he was my father and not my date."

Selin laughed harder, "Pyril that was almost too mean. Do you not like him even a little bit?"

She shrugged, "Engin is okay, I just think that I've known him too long. If I hadn't known him at University and seen what a total goof he was then maybe it would be different but I did and things haven't changed much. He's still a goof. Granted he's a good looking and sweet one but I want someone who isn't a doormat. So enough about me, you and Serkan are you done for good?"

"Oh you know Serkan, he is so stubborn. When I told him that I thought that we should consider getting engaged he just looked at me and said, 'no'. He wants it to be his idea. So I thought I would give him a little push saying that I thought that we should break up and he said, 'good idea'. He didn't really mean it, he's just punishing me a little bit."

Pyril wrinkled her nose, she knew Serkan pretty well and she thought that he meant the break up and had no intention of getting back together but she could be wrong. "What are you planning on doing?"

Selin gave her a sneaky smile, "I have a date tonight and I thought that I would drop that information casually in Serkan's ear. He should get jealous and he'll probably come break up the date or even tell me I can't go."

"And what if he doesn't?"

"Well, the guy is loaded, not as rich as Serkan but still loaded, Ferit Simsek. Serkan introduced me to him at a company function a week ago."

"Oh," was all Pyril could muster. If Serkan introduced Selin to someone it was to get her off of his back. She was afraid that her friend was in for a rude awakening.

"Well Engin and Serkan leave for London tomorrow so I don't have to worry about him bothering me. Maybe if you don't like Ferit you can introduce me to him, I haven't met any decent guys in ages."

"Sure Pyril, I can do that but first let me see if we can get Serkan nice and jealous."

Ceren and Eda were walking back to the townhouse that Ceren's father owned in London. It was an added bonus that Eda was there to do a three month internship to finish out her degree then it was back to Istanbul for both of them. Ceren was managing the legal aspects of the project that Eda would be tied to.

"Can you believe it Ceren, I might get to work with Serkan Bolat, okay well not work with him but I might get to meet him. How fun would it be to casually drop my CV in his lap and say hire me?"

She just shook her head at her impetuous friend, fun indeed. Both women ignored the stares as they walked down the street, the tall beautiful brunette next to the tall beautiful blonde had no idea of the stunning combination that they made. Neither of them relied on their looks, they never had. They were both smart, very smart. They just happened to be blessed with good looks as well.

Ceren had a more level head, as an attorney it suited her but she dreamed too. She had a secret dream to design shoes. Ceren loved shoes and creating them was her passion, law was the family business and something that she was really good at. Eda told her it was because she loved to argue to which Ceren replied, 'do not'. It was a familiar argument that often sent them into peals of laughter.

Eda had worked her way through school taking fewer classes because she could only afford what she could afford she said. She had gotten scholarships to help pay and was finally being rewarded for her hard work with this internship. Staying with Ceren and being able to not only share where she lived but sample from her closet was a huge help to Eda. She and her aunt weren't poor but they lived a modest lifestyle. The loss of Eda's parents at a young age was the first blow that Eda took but she managed to have a sunny disposition and a ready smile. Working in the family flower shop gave her a love and deep knowledge of plants. Landscape architecture was a natural fit for her, she could take her love of design and building then marry it with nature.

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