My brother looks defeated.  We all don't rub it in even though many of us want too.

Everyone this is my boss and my boyfriend,  Jason Statham former actor with several of you have worked with in the movies.

Everyone this is my boss and my boyfriend,  Jason Statham former actor with several of you have worked with in the movies

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Sorry I am late. I saw who won. Mom very nice. Jason this is my daughter Josselyn and you already know my son in law Paul. Carly you have a good man there. Thank you Paul.

Dr. Isles, Jane, Dr.Rizzoli, Avery,  June, Carlo, Nathalie, Shad and Lucas it's nice seeing you all again.

Jason how's your casinos going? Dr. Isles they are doing really well. The house usually wins as you all know. Since I am late, I will buy us dinner that Jane and Dr. Isles always brag about their cousins restaurant Juanita.  Everything is on me. Jordana I will be going with Jason. Okay!

We all leave to go to Juanita's for dinner.

Paul my mother and Jasons. I know its sorta funny.

In Lake Tahoe

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In Lake Tahoe...
Harold and I went swimming while Charles and Paulette watch a movie to relax with popcorn and sodas. We eventually join them after Harold and I took a shower.

 We eventually join them after Harold and I took a shower

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We finally got to Josselyn and Paul's home and parked.
Carly told Abigail and Milo to enjoy their weekend but to be back at work on Monday by 6.
I was glad to see that Carly and Alexis hired more guards which allowed the guards to have days off and not have to work all the time. When Carly is with me she doesn't need as many. I really like Carly she is good at what she does and doesn't take crap from even me. She is a strong woman and I need a strong lady in my life. We go inside and Paul shows me around. Jordana and Vanessa Ray get to relax while my guards and Will stay awake until 6 than they can sleep. The only time I use my guards is when I am asleep or when I doing casino work at Harrah's at any of my casinos.

Carly tells everyone good night.  It's been a long day and work week. 

Jason you ready for bed? Nope me , Paul, Vanessa Ferlito and Jordana are going to catch up.I want to get to know Vanessa Ray. Okay good night.

Babe you have fun. I am going to go to bed.

Josselyn says good night to everyone after we kissed.

When Carly told me you all were her guards or in Paul's case a son in law, I  was glad. Paul a professor in English. Vanessa,  Nathalie,  Shad and Lucas you definitely were a surprised. You surprised us to be the owner of the Harrah's Casinos. I had to figure out what to do with my monies. I always liked gambling which I rarely do anymore which is okay with me. I don't like losing even if it's to my own casino. Shad a former rapper too. Yup, Jason gave up the thud and fast life.  I enjoyed the money and making people happy but there was no fun in  it. After being arrested for hacking,  I went to the academy and proved myself and became a law enforcement officer. I still like the monies and still get royalties off my music and other items but the need was calling me into another direction says Chad.

I enjoy teaching and trying to get my students to love to learn old classics and new stories, says Paul.

Vanessa Ferlito and Nathalie said they were tires of the paparazzi and their fans to continue to make movies and being agents. Vanessa states  she enjoys her job and the pay , health benefits are good. They have a better chance of staying alive.

Vanessa Ray what about you what made you give up being a cop? Jason I like getting the bad people arrested but they were forever being released from jail.  So Will and discussed that we could make more money in the private sector.

We talked about the good old days and eventually went to bed at around 11:30.

Milo I like this hummer but what happened to your other one? I loaned it to Carly so she could go 4x4

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Milo I like this hummer but what happened to your other one? I loaned it to Carly so she could go 4x4. I thought she knew how to drive one. I got a call from Diane stating she was in the hospital with a broken arm and my hummer was totalled.  When I saw her the next  day, we went to go get me another one and this time she will not drive my hummer anymore.

Milo and I went skinny dipping and had fun in my swimming pool before we took a shower and went to bed.

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