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Sumellika entered in mallika's room...

Sumedh: wow mallika... It's a nice room..

Mallika: tq sumi....

Sumedh:sumi? How do you know my Nick name..

Mallika: dev bhaiya told me...

Sumedh:ohh ..well what's yours nickname?.

Mallika: mikku...

Sumedh: nice name....

Suddenly Mallika screamed...


Sumedh got scared ....he too screamed...

Mallika: tu cockroach se darte ho?

Sumedh: cockroach?

He saw cockroach...

Sumedh:ohh..that's why you screamed....

It was coming towards Mallika...

Mallika closed her eyes and started to blabbering...

Sumedh took a papper and thrown the cockroach to outside...

Mallika was still blabbering with closed eyes..

Sumedh pinned her to wall ...

Sumedh: mikku stop ....I thrown the cockroach outside....

She didn't stopped...

He was coming closer to her... their both nose touched he was going to kiss her....

But ..they atmosphere in the room started getting dark and spooky
and filled with smock suddenly rose petals were started to fall...

Sumellika became confused and scared...

They heard a sound on mirror...

They looked to the mirror and got hell scared...

The mirror was  showing the journey of Aryan and arunisha ...birth to death and rebirth.....

Mallika:sumedh what is happening are you a ghost...

Sumedh:I am not ghost...but the mirror is showing us...but I never dress like that..but he have a same face like me..

Then mirror showed Aryan and arunisha's marriage...

Mallika:when did we married???

Sumedh: what the hell....mikku don't be scared.. let's watch the mirror...

Atlast it's showed their death scene...

Tears filled in their eyes...

Mallika: I think it's us...

Sumedh and Mallika together: in previous birth....

Sumedh:so it's time for to start the real game....

On other side...

Sm was slapping a girl...

Sm: why did you killed Arunishaa....
It's time for your death zalakkkk...
He screamed...

Zalak: no I didn't killed her... seeing aai and her child fake murder photo they both suicided themselves....pls sheenaz don't kill Mr I always helped... because I love you ....I love you with core of my heart no matter what you did...

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