Chapter 12: Invitation

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Am I blushing? My cheeks feel warmer than usual. That's so odd. I hope it's not too obvious or I should go and bury myself somewhere.

'So?', I look at him with anticipation.

'What?', he pretends to not understand what I am asking about.

'What was that in the Great Hall?', I explain myself.

He smirks and slightly leans towards me.

'It's a rare opportunity to see you in such a mood. It was sick!'

I observe his face in order to find some sign of mockery, but I don't. I can't help but smile.

'I was totally narked', I say.

We both burst into laughter. It feels quite special, not gonna lie. It's not ordinary to hear Draco Malfoy laughing. Like wholeheartedly. It brings a nice and warm feeling to my heart.

Why does it feel so scary to experience such a raw form of happiness? I'm getting chills all over my body.

'Would you like to join me at the Slug Club dinner party?', I ask spontaneously.

His expression suddenly gets serious and it makes my heartbeat go faster.

'I don't think I'll make it. I...', he pauses for a second. 'I have other things to take care of next Saturday.'

I nod, trying to keep a calm face, but I can't deny I just felt like I was rejected by a boyfriend.

'Will you ever tell me what are you doing almost every night out of the dorms?', I ask.

To be honest, I have no clue where that boldness came from. I swear I haven't consumed firewhisky since that party in the Slytherin common room.

Draco tilts his head and shakes it in disbelief.

'You are definitely too curious', he states. 'It might put you in danger someday. You shall be more careful.'

I clench my jaw, annoyed with his constant going around the bush.

I already saw your bloody Dark Mark. What, could there be anything more terrifying than that? I swear I'll learn about your secret endeavors sooner or later, Draco Malfoy.

Draco lets out a muffled laugh as if he heard my thoughts and unexpectedly pats me on the head. I flinch at the touch.

'Draco', I cry out. 'You messed up my hair!'

I take a step back and furrow my brows.

'At least I already know what to do so that you say my name', he smirks and leaves without giving me the chance to say anything.


Draco Malfoy

It's been forever since I spent an evening in the Slytherin common room. I honestly miss having a regular student life. Several months ago I wouldn't believe I would ever say that, but here I am and I'm 100% genuine.

I am writing, or I better say, I am trying to write, a Defense Against the Dark Arts essay alongside Blaise who seems quite lost at this point.

Theodore is sitting on the opposite couch, flipping through a Charms book.

'Oh, Nessa', he suddenly shouts out and I can't help but turn around to see her.

She's wearing a regular Slytherin girl's uniform with a black and green pleated skirt, a white tucked-in shirt, a green tie, and black knee socks. She somehow manages to make everything, even the most ordinary clothes, look special. It's not that she forces it, it just comes naturally.

Her eyes land on mine for a second, then she fixes her gaze on Theodore.

'I want to ask you something', she states.

I observe his face as their conversation goes further.

'Of course, go ask', he nods.

'Would you come with me to the Slug Club party?', she speaks slowly and I can feel her stare at the back of my head. I feel the heat running up my body. My ears start burning.

Theodore is not surprised, but something beyond that and I am absolutely furious about it. He doesn't even try to hide his joy.

'Uhm, yeah, of course, I will', he nods energetically.

'Cool', is what Nessa says before heading back to the girls' dorm.

I try my best to pull myself together, but all the attempts are completely useless. I am beyond mad.

'Malfoy, what do you think about this phrase?', Blaise about whom I'd totally forgotten points out at the parchment in front of him.

'I don't bloody know.'

I stand up from my seat and I can hear the faint voices of Blaise and Theodore from behind as I go Merlin knows where. Far from the dungeons, that's for sure.

Ta-daaaa! Chapter 12 is here. What do you think? Do you believe that Pansy is a nasty bish or she has a reason for her behavior?

currently on my playlist:

SEVENTEEN - Super; Eminem - Mockingbird; Agust D - Amygdala; Mia Nicolai&Dion Cooper - Burning daylight; Adele - Someone like you; J Balvin - Tu Veneno

Bye, I love you <3

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