Y/n: I-I guess it was all just a fucked up nightmare.

Y/n chuckles to himself while removing his covers. Sitting up on his bedside, he gets up only to hiss, feeling a painful sensation strike him like a train.

Y/n: O-OW! What the -

Quickly turning on his nightstand, he finds his bruised torso covered with bandages. The young man only groans, finding out his encounter with that monster was real.

Y/n: Well, I'm glad to find out that thing wasn't part of the dream! Fuck this hurts!

Y/n dreads limping towards the bathroom. Turning on the light switch he goes over to the sink to splash water on his face before drying it off with a cloth. Feeling himself more awake, he puts the cloth down before looking into his reflection.

Y/n: Dragon....what did that monster mean by that?....He couldn't be talking about the one I saw in my -

???: It wasn't a dream kid, or at least I don't think it was. You were unconscious after all.

Eyes now widening at the strange voice. Y/n finds himself jumping backwards tripping into his bath tub. With a loud thud Y/n groans at the surging pain on his side.

Y/n: What?! Who's there?!

???: Calm down. I don't mean any harm.

The voice in Y/n's mind reassured
However the teenager didn't hear to reason as he began to ramble in his bathtub.

Y/n: Now I have a random voice in my head!? D-Did that thing give me brain damage or something?!

???: Hey, kid.....

Ignoring the voice calling his name, Y/n began to mutter excessively about being placed in a psychiatric ward just like Erma's first babysitter as the mysterious voice tried to get a hold of him. This going on for several minutes until the voice decided it had enough.


Hearing the irration in the dislocated voice, Y/n quickly ceases his rant. Then, with a deep sigh, it began to speak.

???: Ok... we got off to a rough start, so let me introduce myself. Greetings my new user. My name is Ddraig, Red Dragon Of Domination. And you are?

Y/n: Um Y-Y/n.......what exactly are you doing in my head?

Y/n questions as the gauntlet from before appears on Y/n's right hand.

Ddraig: You're my new user kid, the new Red Dragon Emperor.

Y/n: New? There's been some before?

Ddraig: There's been many who had wielded me into battle....some better, some worse, but I have to say I'm having a good feeling about you, kid!

Y/n: Uh, thanks?... But why? F-First off, what's even a Red Dragon Emperor? Second, why are you like this? And lastly, what the hell is even happening right now!?!

Ddraig: I'll be more than honored to explain....get ready for the tragic tale of -


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