Chapter 3: Derby Day, part one...

Start from the beginning

In one group, was Hana, Olivia and a few other ladies. As she approached, she couldn't help but over hear some of them.
"Who was that new lady? What duchy does she represent?" asked the slim lady in arnate blue and gold mask, "I can't say I remember."
"I already have some one on it. By tomorrow I will know what her favorite color along with everything else."
"Do you think she has a dogs? Oh I hope she has a poodle, we could-"
Victoria smiled as Olivia looked up to find them caught.

"Victoria, you were awfully familiar with the Prince. You didn't say you knew him."
"Well you didn't say you were his keeper..but to answer your question, It's none of your business how he and I know each other. "
"Oh, but it is my business. Everything that has to do with Prince Liam is my business. After all, I'll likely be his queen when this competition is over."
Victoria grabbed a glass off the bar, coolly turned to her with a cold look. "We'll see, won't we?"
Olivia glared at her, "Whatever happened between the two of you..wherever it happened. You should know that when it comes to you being chosen by Liam , you don't stand a chance. Not with him or anyone here for that matter. You might've been able to capture his attention when it was just the two of you, but you can't keep up with the ladies here."
"We're from the finest families in Europe and we've been preparing and training our whole lives to marry a Prince. You can't just waltz in here at the last second and steal him from us. You aren't even European. You're...American."
Victoria shook her head. "You know what everyone's mistake with me, is Olive?" she moved closer, "They always underestimate me.."
Olivia growled, "That's Lady Olivia to you. And I will have you know that Kiara here is the daughter of a diplomat and fluent in ten languages."
Kiara was in this beautiful black and gold dress, with matching mask..."Le Prince va tomber amoureux do moi" Victoria raised her eyebrows, so she thought the Prince would fall in love with her huh?
"Bonne chance à vous lady Kiara ne le dites pas à Lady Olivia." she replied trying to do what Maxwell said, which is why she was out here and not behind a bar listening to these ladies whine as they would usually do. She thought to herself, Yeah, I'd be more comfortable behind a bar than having to pretend I like Olivia.
"Penelope can track her lineage back through six hundred years of royalty."
she smiled, "It's a pleasure to meet you."
"It's an honor to represent my people here."
"Even Hana's been training to learn the courtly graces of conversation and seduction."
"Uh, thanks?" Hana said looking unsure how to take that...
"But" Penelope said, "If anyone's got the inside track with Prince Liam, its you Olivia. You've known him his entire life."
Olivia smiled, "It's true. We grew up at the palace together as childhood friends...Before his older brother abdicated, it was assumed Liam and I would be married one day. I've got intention of losing him to one of you harpies. No offense."
Victoria watched it all with a smirk, "I can't believe these ladies let you talk like this."
"She's only stating facts." Penelope said, "There's no point in being emotional about it."
Kiara stepped up, "We all knew what we were getting ourselves into when we came here, Victoria. Didn't you?"
"Oh, Don't worry Ladies" Olivia interrupted, "I'm sure little Victoria will learn her place here, eventually. Or else I'll make her life a living hell."
"And just, what exactly, do you think my place is here?"
"oh, somewhere below Penelope and Kiara but you know what? Probably above Hana. Though, I mean, I'm surprised Hana's here at all given what I heard about her last attempt at an engagement."
Hana gasped, "Olivia!"
"Well, we all know that your family will throw you at any available bachelor as long as it means you can climb another run on the social ladder...But honestly, I think it's a bit much to expect that Prince Liam is going to accept damaged goods."
Victoria watched the hurt and the shame pass Hana's face before she spoke up. "I...I need to...excuse me." she moved to walk away when Victoria caught her. "Hana, wait..I'll go with you."
"That's awfully sweet, but I'll be fine." After Hana left, Olivia shook her head. "Girls like her shouldn't bother being here if they can't handle the truth..."
"Olive..." she said with a smirk watching the fury on Olivia's face.."Lady Olivia..if he chooses you I'd be surprised."
"Why's that?"
"You're acting like a child, not a queen. If this is how you behave, I' wouldn't trust you with childproof scissors, let alone a kingdom."
"I... You can't...."
"I . Just. Did. Now, if you will excuse me, I'm going to enjoy my drink. Alone."

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