Bruce Banner

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You were at the compound helping Tony and Bruce in the lab when your phone started ringing. You answered it stepping to the side away from the work. As the conversation on the phone continued you were finding out that your child had thrown up at school and you needed to pick them up)

You: could you not get ahold of anyone else?
School: unfortunately not and you were the one your daughter asked for
You sighed: alright, tell her I'm going to be there soon, I'm just going to get my keys and ill come
School: thank you, we'll let her know, see you soon

(You ended the call and you told Tony and Bruce you had to leave. They were both confused but Tony didn't really question it. Bruce asked If everything was okay slightly worried at the one side of the conversation he heard but you said everything was fine before leaving. You picked your daughter up from school and later that day Bruce came to your place to make sure everything was okay. You answered the door with you daughter in your arms, shocked to see Bruce)

You: what are you doing here?
Bruce: I was worried about you
You: I uh, everything's fine I-
Bruce could tell your were a little panicked: who's this?
You knew you couldn't lie: mg daughter
Bruce: you.... She's your daughter
You: yeah....
Bruce: is she okay? She doesn't look very well
You: no she's sick, I had to pick her up from school today
Your daughter: mama/papa?
You: yeah?
Your daughter: sleep?
You: yeah your can sleep baby, just close your eyes

(You stroked the back of her head and invited Bruce in and had a quiet conversation as your daughter fell asleep on you. You were relieved you could tell him but were also relieved he didn't have any problem after you told home the reasoning behind not telling him)

Bruce: it's okay, I understand you need to be careful, her safety's important
You: thank you for understanding,I didn't want to really keep it from you
Bruce smiling: well I know now

(You ended up relaxing for a while and just put on a movie to relax to as your daughter slept on your shoulder, cuddling you)

Hiding a child from them for their safety Where stories live. Discover now