Pomu feels that she should have expected this, being caught and acting like a deer in headlights.

"I'm Pomu" 

she uttered.

No! That's not it! Wait, in the first place how does one even greet beings outside the forest! She's a fairy! She only communicated with her fellow forest fairies! Sometimes other fairies of seasons but not this! Not very pretty, stunning, alluring, charming sea creature! 

She felt like someone has her whole being on hold, she can't even breathe properly, she's just- so beauti-  

A giggle.

Then a laugh, she's laughing, very pretty.

Pomu stared at this creature, she has fins on both side of her face that looks more like an accessories than actual things but it flaps at the beat of her laughs and it's the most adorable thing.

Pomu can't help but smile, the tension was gone, she can slowly breathe but still can't keep her eyes to herself, she just can't help but stare.

She's just so beautiful.

She waits for this being- no, mermaid? She looks down and the tail is gone, glamour perhaps?

Pomu just smiled and sat there. 

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