"Well, we can always renovate this, honey. It's ours now." Lou smiled.

"We sure are going to have to save up for that renovation, Ms. Lou Miller." They both laughed.

"We do. But you can now propose to me, Debs. We have a beach house now. I'm sure this home would be much great with kids running around. She winked. Debbie laughed, tapping Lou's shoulder gently.

"You want to have kids now?"

"Well, that part we can talk about. But you propose to me first." Debbie's laughs were out with the sea breeze.

"Honey, I told you, I don't have a diamond yet!"

"It's fine; I can marry you with a paper ring."

"Sure you can, Miller." Lou held Debbie's hand as Debbie leant her head against Lou's shoulder.

Lou grinned. "Who needs a diamond ring when you have a beautiful beach house like this?" she teased, nudging Debbie playfully.

Debbie rolled her eyes. "I'm serious, Lou. I want to marry you properly, with a real ring."

Lou's expression softened. "I know, baby. And I want to give you everything you deserve. I promise I'll get you that ring someday."

Debbie smiled as she rested her head gently against Lou's shoulder and turned her attention back to the beach house, taking in the fresh sea air and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. "I can't believe this is really happening. I never thought I'd see this place again."

Lou squeezed her hand and said, "Well, we're here now. And we're going to make some new memories, starting with the best one yet." She pulled out a small velvet box from her pocket and got down on one knee.

Debbie gasped, her heart racing. "Lou, what are you doing?"

Lou opened the box, revealing a beautiful diamond ring. "Debbie Ocean, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

The lights seemed to dance in the inky blackness, flickering and swaying in perfect unison, as if they were alive and imbued with mystical energy. The sight was nothing short of magical—a sight that could lift even the heaviest of spirits and offer a sense of calm amidst the chaos of the night. Debbie's eyes filled with tears, and as she catches Lou's eyes, tears are also now pouring down her eyes, but they were happy tears, Debbie's sure. She kneeled in front of Lou as she held her face. She nodded fervently, "Yes, Lou Miller. I would very much be honored to be your wife."

As they locked eyes, the world seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of them at that moment. The salty sea air enveloped them, caressing their skin with a gentle yet invigorating touch. It was as if the ocean itself had conspired to bring them together, to witness the culmination of a love that had bloomed amidst the turbulent waves and tempestuous winds.

As they stood up, Lou held Debbie's hand and looked out towards the horizon. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, Debbie. And to make more memories in this beautiful place." Debbie leaned into Lou's shoulder, taking a moment to process everything.

The ring fits perfectly on Debbie's finger. "You are making me cry so much today! Are there any more surprises?" Debbie muttered and laughed, wiping off the tears on her face.

"Now that I've proposed, why don't we make the kids now?" Lou grinned her smile so wide, teasing Debbie. Debbie only rolled her eyes and pulled Lou close to her as she kissed her so passionately. As they held each other tightly, their passion burned bright like a lighthouse in the storm, offering a glimmer of hope and guidance amid the chaotic and unpredictable ocean. They were two beings, fused into one, a singular force that defied all odds and all obstacles. It was a love that would endure the test of time, a love that would weather any storm, and a love that would shine bright like the stars in the endless sky.

Lou's kisses were fiery, almost burning against Debbie's skin. As they traveled down to her bare neck, she closed her eyes, being summoned by the sensation. Their hands, not knowing where to stay, roam around like they want to be somewhere. Debbie tilted her neck, giving Lou a lot of access. Closing her eyes, she could feel the heat slowly growing, like it wanted to scorch everything that was running through her mind and surrender everything to being fully relinquished at the moment.

She couldn't help but moan. Lou is so good at this, making her lose her mind. Just her touch alone could make Debbie go crazy. She couldn't recall how they managed to go inside the room without breaking the kiss. All she knows is how Lou's body on top of her is making her mind ache for desire. Lou smoothly removed her clothes, leaving nothing but her naked body fully exposed.

Lou stood up, not taking her eyes off Debbie's glorious nakedness. Slowly, she unbuttoned her blouse and her pants, revealing her bare skin to Debbie. Debbie could not help but bite her lips. Lou was standing in front of her, naked, her paper-white skin brushed with light freckles. She gulped. Can she not get used to this? Lou Miller is perfect. She couldn't believe this goddess had just proposed to her earlier. Debbie stood up, standing in front of Lou.

"God! You are so beautiful." Lou uttered barely a whisper. Debbie just smiled before crashing herself into Lou's arms. Lou carried her all the way to the bed, where white sheets waited for them. The kisses were not hungry, but they weren't gentle either. But there was something sensual about it. As Lou left Debbie's lips, traveling down, her hands found their way to tease Debbie's nipples, which were aching to be touched. Debbie closed her eyes, and a groan escaped her mouth. She was now kissing her stomach very gently, not leaving a spot untouched. Heavy breathes, hearts pounding fast, and their minds communicating without uttering words.

Finally, Lou settled herself in her desired spot. Debbie bit her lips much more; she couldn't handle the intense desire washing over her soul; she could almost feel it. Lou let out a small exhale just against Debbie's entrance, which made Debbie moan so loud, her sanity getting absurd. "Oh, God! Baby, do it."

Lou smiled; she looked at Debbie once more, whose eyes were shut, her mouth parted, and her hands were busy pulling her own hair. Lou's ocean eyes came deeper, darker, and more enthralled. She's seen Debbie do that a lot of times, but seeing her like that at that moment lit a blaze against Lou. "Gladly, sweetheart."

The moon cast a silvery glow upon them, illuminating their faces with a radiance that mirrored the fire burning within their hearts. It was a scene straight out of a fairy tale—a love story that seemed too perfect to be real. The sea echoed their ardor as if celebrating their union with crashing waves that seemed to applaud their passion. The salty sea air carried their love story across the vast horizon, whispering it to the farthest reaches of the earth.


I'm dropping this update because I don't know when I can edit and proofread the next chapter before publishing it. But I will sure find some time, and it will be out sometime next week.

I hope you liked this chapter! Please leave some comments. Feedback would be so much appreciated!

A beautiful night ahead, lovely boys and girls, gaes, and transgender people! <333

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