✨ 1K Special! ✨ | Together Forever

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Hello, guys! Thank you so much for 1K reads! This shows how much you guys actually care about my writing. Again, thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. ♥️

Douma's POV
"Hey! Akaza-Dono, I'm back!" I open his door, standing proudly. Akaza got startled - just a bit.

I just got done with a mission my lord ordered me. Man, I'm pretty tired.
I sit next to Akaza on his bed, wrapping my arm around his back, pulling him closer.

"Welcome back." Akaza clung onto the side of my torso, stuffing his face.
I look down at Akaza, rubbing his back gently. "Hey, hey, guess what?" I tap him.

"Hm." Akaza lifted his head.

"I found another frog while I was doing my mission!" I smile, waiting for Akaza's reaction.

The only reaction I pretty much get is silence. Akaza puts his head down again, grumbling. I blink. Oh no.. Did I say something wrong..?

"What's wrong?" I question Akaza, tilting my head.

"Nothing." Akaza responds with a mumble. I slightly frown.

"Can I show you the frog?" I ask, crossing my fingers, hoping my request is accepted.

Akaza nods as my face lights up. I rise to my feet. "Okay! I'll be right back!" I slowly close the door.

Green Pea won't be alone anymore! This is going to be adorable..!

Akaza's POV
I didn't want Douma to leave at all. But, my body hurts all over. Am I sick? I force my weak and tired body to move, sitting up at least. Eventually, all the blood exits my head. I look at my door. Wait, did he say another frog..?

"I'm baaaack!" Douma smiled, opening my door. I notice two frogs in his hand. One must be Green Pea. I try my best to stop my body from aching, at least around Douma.

"Hi." I lift up my heavy hand, waving it slowly before immediately dropping it. Douma repeats the same gesture.

"This is the frog I was talking about!" Douma paused, showing me.
"Look's like a female, since it's smaller, and it looks exactly like Green Pea!" Douma set Green Pea down. I watch the amphibian hop around for a moment before resting.

"So, names?" Douma tapped my arm. I lift my head up, blinking slowly.

"Names? Hm." I try to think but as my mind goes completely blank, I shrug.

Douma slightly frowned. "You okay, Akaza-Dono?" He'd question, comforting me.

"I don't know.." I exhale, hugging him once more. Douma hugs back, but much tighter. "I hope you're alright.." Douma sighs. "I'll try to think of a name.." I eventually let my heavy head fall onto Douma's thigh.

Douma patted my head. Pretty weird way to comfort someone. I don't mind, I guess. I close my eyes, eventually drifting off.

Douma's POV
Shaped like a jellybean, much smaller than Green Pea... this is difficult. How am I supposed to do this on my own..? I look down at Akaza, which he's sleeping.
How cute, he's sleeping on my thigh!

A small chuckle escapes my mouth, turning my head at the female frog, squinting my eyes as I thought.
"Hey, what about Dot?" I question the female frog as I eventually get no answer. I shrug. "I'll take that as a yes." I smile.

I put Green Pea and Dot together. They seem to not interact with each other as much. But, this is their first time. I eye my door. Should I introduce Dot to the Uppermoons? I hesitate, looking at Akaza.

I decide to leave him alone, quickly and quietly closing the door behind me with two frogs in hand.

Luckily they're were already Uppermoons here. Kaigaku and Gyutaro are having a conversation, and Daki I believe is asleep. We're missing a few people. I tap my foot against the ground.
I'll go get Kokushibo.

Akaza's POV:
I awaken to find no Douma. Gosh, my head is pounding. I rub my face, forcing my body to get up and actually move for once. What's an Uppermoon that can't even stand up? I huff, walking zombie-like to open my door.

The bright lights from the Infinity Castle enters my eyes, causing my to close them for awhile, until I could get used to it.

"Aw, okay! Bye, bye!" I look towards my right noticing Douma exiting Kokushibo's room. What was he doing in there? I look at Douma with curiosity.

"Ah! You're awake! How do you feel?" Douma smiled, clapping his hands together.

"Terribly weak." I respond honestly. Seeing Douma frown even the slightest always made my heart ache.

"What were you doing in Kokushibo's room, though?" I raise a brow, eyeing Douma up and down.

"Oh! I asked him if he wanted to see Dot! Though, he did decline." Douma answer the last part with a mutter.

"My guess is that Dot is the female frog?"
I eye the female frog as Douma nods eagerly. "C'mon!" Douma grabbed my arm. I have no idea what he's doing, but I'll go along with it.

Douma's POV:
"Guys!" I get the three Uppermoons' attention. "We have a new member!"

"Like, Uppermoon? Isn't it already completed?" Daki raised a brow, crossing her arms.

"Nope!" I pull out my hand as Dot lays on top. "This is our new member, Dot!" I pat her on the head with my finger.

"Another frog?" Kaigaku blinked with a slightly disgusted look on his face. I turn my attention to the other moons.

"Awwwh!" Daki gasped, patting Dot on the head. "Is it a female? It looks exactly like Green Pea!" Daki asked, looking up at me.

"Yep, she is!" I nod. Eventually Akaza taps me on the shoulder. "Let's go." He'd lower his voice, letting out small coughs.
"Aw, okay." I sigh, turning to the moons. I felt a tug on my arm as I quickly gave a wave goodbye.

We enter Akaza's room again. He closes the door slowly before flopping onto his bed. I set Dot and Green Pea down, looking at Akaza.

Akaza patted the open spot next to him. I sit next to him as expected. Akaza pulling me in closer, lifting my arm around his body. Akaza didn't say anything, so I didn't bother to ask. I love this snuggle time. We should have them more often.

Akaza-Dono doesn't feel well and I know it. This feels like the only thing that calms him. I look down at him. He went back to sleep already? I smile, resting my head on my hand, the other wrapped around Akaza's body.

"I love you, Douma." Akaza muttered, opening one eye.

"Aww, I will always love you too!" I rest my head on Akaza's pink hair with a smile.

Akaza was the only one in this world to give me emotions that I could actually feel. Love is a strong one.

So strong that no one else could break.

Phew! That was a hand exercise for me.

Again, thank you guys for 1K! I really appreciate it! Stay safe everyone! <3

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