"Where did you go with Pablo yesterday?" He asks suddenly.

"We got coffee." I respond simply as I get in the car, buckling my seatbelt.

"That's all you two did?" He questions as he opens his car door, and I turn to give him a look.

"Got coffee and came home to talk before the pyramid. That's it." I say as I turn to face him and he tilts his head slightly as if he's thinking. "Is sharing a room the issue? Like ever since we've moved in you've been acting weird, so tonight I'll go sleep in a different room or something. I feel like you need alone time."

He scoffs as he rubs his jaw before looking at me, "what are you going to go sleep with Pablo?" He asks as I'm completely taken aback.

"What the fuck did you just say?" I question as I unbuckle my seatbelt, opening up the door.

"You didn't say no." He implies as I get out, shaking my head.

"You're being ridiculous Pedri. I'm not cheating on my boyfriend with one of my best friends, that's fucking stupid to even assume." I say as I begin walking through the parking lot, trying to find Isabelles car to see if they're still here.

I went to the parking lot she was in and her car was gone and I sigh as I pull out my phone, scrolling through contacts.

Can I ride home with you please

Come find my car

After about 5 minutes I found Ale's car and he waves me over as I put my phone in my pocket. "You alright?" He asks as I get in the backseat since Pablo is in the passenger seat.

"He keeps fighting with me about everything." I mumble as I cross my arms, looking out the window as they exchange a look.

"Like what?" Pablo asks as I shake my head.

"First it was accusing me of potentially cheating on him with Jordan, and now he thinks I'm cheating on him with you." I say.

"Well that's definitely not the case." He says as I nod. "Just space maybe?"

"He's been weird since we moved in, even at training he's been doing kind of bad, and now during the match too." Ale says as he begins heading home.

I stare out the window on the way home, none of us saying anything, the only thing being heard was the faint music ale was playing.

When we get home I get out and I stare at the house as I take a deep breath. "I don't even want to talk to him anymore. He's just getting on my nerves." I mumble as Pablo and I make our way up to the front doors.

"Just tell him how he's making you feel, you know? Maybe if you phrase it that way it'll make him realize how poorly he's actually treating you." He says as I open the door and I give him a look.

"Wait that's actually so smart." I whisper as he shrugs.

"I mean it usually works." He suggests as I nod.

"Thank you." I say as I give him a quick side hug and I go down the hallway to our bedroom. I go in and Pedri is sitting on the edge of the bed, looking up to look at me.

"Tate." He says quietly as I shake my head.

"You make me feel shitty, Pedri. You keep making accusations about how you think I'm cheating on you, and I don't know what to tell you to help convince you that that's not the case. Because I've said it before and I'll say it again, I care too much about you to do that." I begin as he crosses his arms. "I don't want to be with you if you keep picking fights over small things, let alone thinking I'd cheat on you."

"I'm out for the rest of the season." He says as I give him a look.


"My hamstring. I hurt it last game but I didn't tell anyone about it because I thought it'd pass, but today I was playing bad because I felt it pop, and that's why I went down the tunnel when I got subbed off. That's why I've been a shitty boyfriend, because I was trying so hard to cover up an injury. But now I'm out anyways." He whispers as I give him a look.

"But you looked fine-"

"Hurt like hell the whole time." He counters as I shake my head, "I know it's not an excuse as to why I've been unbearable to be around, but that's what's happening right now, and that's why I've been rude since we moved in."

"Why didn't you tell anyone? Why didn't you even tell me?" I question as he shrugs.

"Because you'd get all worried about it, and then the guys would probably end up finding out about it." He says as I give him a look.

"The rest of the season?"

"Two months, so the season will be done by then." He mumbles as I go over, leaning down and giving him a hug.

"I'm sorry." I whisper as he chuckles, rubbing my back. "You are still an asshole though." I add.

"I know, I know." He mumbles.

the pyramid // pedri Where stories live. Discover now