I frowned, remembering the events that happened months ago. I had to come clean about her bones in the Zero Lab. Penny, Nemona, and Arven had no idea they had rushed past a dead body back then. They had heard a concerning noise from underground, and Arven had found Nemona and Penny and took them downstairs to the time machine to see what was going on. The foul smell could've been from what was happening for all they knew. Surprisingly, Arven was very calm about all of this, even at peace, knowing that the physical body of his mother was found and altogether for the most part. The director personally volunteered to conduct a party to retrieve her remains and organize a proper funeral and burial of his late friend.

"So, mom's finally coming back home?" Arven breathed. He didn't look mournful at all. He was relaxed like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

"Yeah...," Penny confirmed. "Clavell should have a date out soon. We just got all the lights to work how he wanted them to."

"What do you mean 'how he wanted them to'," Arven bantered. "Either a light is on or it's off."

"Clavell wanted something a bit more... flashy," Penny imagined.

Arven rolled his eyes. "Yeah... that sounds more like my mom. She wouldn't want anything standard."

"Ladies, gentlemen, and students of Naranja Academy!" A voice rang out from the speakers above.

Penny shook me violently. "It's starting!" I almost choked on a popcorn kernel.

"Almost... missed your.... girlfriend...," I coughed. She didn't hear me. She was too excited to see the battle we've been waiting for for weeks.

"Was that the director?" Arven asked me.

I shrugged. "Hard to tell with the speaker quality."

"We welcome you to the first public Top Champion battle in Paldea in a decade with special thanks to the hardworking vendors and volunteers of Artazon!" There was a proud cheer from the locals who were proud to assist in the event.

"No, that was definitely a woman's voice," Arven remarked. I hushed him. He gave me a side-eye and took a bite of his churro, spilling cinnamon and sugar all over his school uniform.

"Oh shoot! Here she comes!" Penny pointed.

"Who? Nemona?" I couldn't spot anyone coming out from the tunnel entrance.

"Why would they introduce the opposing team first, ya lum berry?" Arven teased.

"What kind of insult is that, ponytail?" Penny barked.

"That was one time!"

"Argh! You spilled cinnamon on me!"

"Oops... sorry, Lugosi."

"Hehe. Yeah, sorry, Lugosi."

The crowd began to chant. "Let us welcome Paldea's Top Champion Trainer... Geeta! La Primera!" Everyone rose to their feet, applauding as the tall, fair woman with magnificent, thick, black hair waved her way beside a green-haired woman—who was just as tall—at the center of the playing field. "For our international visitors, La Primera is the chairwoman of the Pokémon League in Paldea and the chairwoman of Naranja Academy's school board. She was one of the Academy's founders and has, in turn, created the foundation for her opponent!"

I pointed at the woman standing beside Geeta who had been announcing the event. "Who is that?"

Arven followed my finger. "Oh, that's Rika. She's one of the Elite Four."

I oohed. "Must be insane having to be up there with the girl who beat you at your own job."

Arven punched me for being so rude. "Geeta personally recruited the Elite Four. Hassel is one of them, too."

Desolate [Pokémon Arven x Protagonist]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora