Cake Batter

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CW: canon-typical violence

Thursday, July 4

Steve and Robin look at each other, and oh, Steve sort of forgot Eddie was real. And here.

Robin looks at Eddie, grinning. "Nope!

Eddie chuckles nervously. "Just sitting on the floor for fun?"

"We were a little exhausted, after, you know... everything," Steve says.

"Oh yeah, of course." Eddie grimaces. "Are you two, like, okay? Did you get it all out?"

"We think so," Robin says.

"I know I wasn't there." Eddie's still his fidgety self, standing a few feet away from them, moving his feet and messing with his rings. Steve watches and smiles to himself, and without fail, the fuzzy feeling returns. "But you two are like, super badass for surviving that."

"Thanks, Eddie," Robin says.

"Like really, I don't know how you're still conscious or sane right now."

Steve laughs. "Not exactly sane, but..." He looks at Robin. "We had each other. That made a big difference."

Robin grins. "Yeah, someone needed to keep Steve from eating that entire bag of trash popcorn all by himself."

Steve rolls his eyes, slowly getting to his feet. It's a little disorienting, because right, he's still super beat up. He hasn't been on his feet in a while. He holds his hand out to Robin, and helps her up when she takes it.

Steve steps out of the stall after Robin, and the three of them just stand there awkwardly for a second. "So... what do we do now?" Steve asks.

"Dustin told me to watch you until he thinks of a plan," Eddie offers.

"So we just have to wait for him?" Steve asks.

"Well... he doesn't exactly know we're here."


"He's probably either still thinking," Robin says. "Or he's looking for us. Either way, we could try to think of our own plan."

Steve looks at her. "Don't you still barely know what's going on?"

"I don't," Eddie says. "I mean, I do. Know what's going on. Dustin told Erica and me the story earlier, when we... escaped."

Steve gives him a half-smile. "And you're still here?"

Eddie returns the smile, looking at Steve directly. "Yeah." He sighs. "It was confusing—Dustin wouldn't answer any of my questions. Said they were irrelevant. He insisted on keeping it to the 'important stuff'. I'm definitely still processing, but, I've come this far. I want to help if I can."

They look at each other, and Steve knows Eddie's still terrified. He can't really blame Eddie for running away or being scared, this shit is scary.

But he can also tell the offer is genuine. Steve was in Eddie's shoes once, that night at the Byers', after seeing the monster. How his first instinct was to run away. Then, only seconds later, he knew he couldn't just go home and pretend nothing happened. He had to help.

Just like Eddie, Steve didn't even know anyone involved that well. Still, he was all in, in that moment. Maybe he wanted to feel useful, maybe he didn't want to be alone. But in a life or death situation, that's as good a reason as any.

So whatever Eddie's reason to join them was, Steve's going to have to take him at his word.

"Well," Robin says, breaking the silence. "I'd love to be filled in on what the hell is happening, but my mouth tastes awful. I'm going to get some more water." She turns to go, sneaking a wink at Steve. He shoots her a look, but then she's gone. Leaving Steve and Eddie alone.

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