Epilogue: I Heard You

Start from the beginning

He'd proven to be a genuine and wonderful friend to her, and as thankful as she was that he'd let her back into his life, Madeline still buried an ache deep inside somewhere. She had kept her heart in check as much as she could, missing him when he was gone but grateful his presence wouldn't be around to torture her unrequited feelings.

And although they both asked casually, there were never any others who crossed their path. It wasn't even an option, somehow.

They sat together now, in the deserted grandstand, as the band packed up. Couples had also slowly departed, leaving the two young friends tiredly sitting on the side bench.

"I never thought Disneyland could be this quiet," Madeline observed, leaning against him.

"That's because it closes in an hour," Justin responded. "Most people go home after the parades."

"Well then," Madeline said, sitting upright. "Maybe that's our cue."

"Maybe." He was thinking.

She got up from the bench and smoothed her shorts. Thinking he'd rise to follow her, she began to cross the grandstand. About three feet later, however, she stopped and turned around. "Justin?"

He remained placid on the bench, looking steadily at her. She looked back quizzically.

"Are you coming?" she asked lightly, gesturing with her arm.

When she comes my way / I'll do my best to make her stay

He didn't respond. She began to walk toward him slowly, waving her hand in front of his face. "Justin?"

I'll look at her and smile, she'll understand / And in a little while, I'll take her hand

He was hunched over on the bench, eyes lowered, appearing deep in thought. She stopped, unsure.

Justin looked as if he were mustering the will. He remained hunched, but turned his head up to her, and with glazed eyes, slowly moved his arm.

He was holding out his hand to her.

It was her imagination, Madeline decided, not the gesture symbolizing what she hoped it did. Still, her pulse began to race.

The blue in his eyes seemed to intensify as he conveyed his message. His palm was open.

A moment later, he looked down and saw a thin, tanned hand slip into his. She now stood in front of him, looking down at his face, trying to read his expression.

Are you sure? her face questioned.

He nodded and rose, letting her pull him up.

Justin continued to hold her hand; he lifted it up and brushed her fingertips with his lips, his gaze never leaving her. Her eyes fluttered instinctively. It had been too long since she'd known that touch.

He brought a hand up to the side of her neck, lifting her chin and letting his fingers touch her hair and his thumb stroke her jaw. She wanted to reach a hand up and trace the outline of his lips in the familiar way, but she refrained. It would be his call. She did let a small smile creep into her face, eyes shining.

His pulse pounded in his ears. The pair stood like this for a moment, faces inches apart, contemplating, hesitating. It had come to this.

Their first encounter had been frenetic and unbridled; now, tender and deliberate. This time they knew exactly what they were getting into, and still letting it happen.

My God, I love you, her eyes told him. She wasn't sure if her mouth moved as well.

And he nuzzled her cheek. She shivered.

And though it seems absurd / I know we both won't say a word ...

But maybe they would. Miraculously, he raised his face from hers and whispered, "I heard you."

She knees began to weaken at the huskiness in his voice. She put a hand on the crook of his arm to steady herself.

Justin grazed a thumb across her mouth. Then he bent down and softly kissed one corner of her lips, then the other. Cupping her face in his hands, he looked into her eyes one more time before dropping a questioning kiss, light as feathers, across her bottom lip. He drew back slightly to study her reaction.

She could hardly stand up now. "Justin ..." she began.

He waited.

Long ago, in this moment, Madeline's mind sounded alarms, spouting the command to halt. She'd been scared of where things were heading, how her feelings overwhelmed her; how reason disappeared when he was close like this. How easily she could be hurt. She was suddenly hesitant.

Urging her, Justin brought his face closer and whispered, "Madeline," so near that his lips tickled hers lightly as he spoke her name. Electricity shot through her.

Things were different now. She was no longer scared. She raised her chin, and a new word escaped her trembling lips.

"Please," she breathed.

Instantly he captured her mouth in a searing kiss unlike any they'd ever known. Her arms went around his neck like they belonged there, and Madeline tangled her fingers in his curls as she drew his head closer to her. Justin's heart beat so fast he feared it would run away from him. His arms encompassed her tightly, lips moving urgently against hers.

"I love you," he murmured between kisses.

She broke off the clinch in an instant, staring wide-eyed at him. Her arms remained around his neck, but her feet, which had been on tiptoe, sank slowly back to the ground.

"What did you say?"

"I said I love you." His words were gentle, but his emotions were on overload.

As the truth sank in, she bit the corner of her bottom lip in that familiar way and lowered her eyes to the ground, unable to absorb the flood of happiness coursing through her. She wanted to laugh and cry and squeal all at the same time. Her bones trembled as she deliberated over her response.

Justin couldn't decipher her reaction when her telltale eyes were downcast, so he bent his knees and tipped his head sideways.

"Madeline?" he said, suddenly self-conscious, forcing his tingling mouth to speak. "I said I ..."

"I heard you," she said with a glistening grin, lifting her head and raising her liquid eyes -- crinkles and all -- to his. She straightened up to embrace him once again, bringing her head close to his. "I love you, too."

Relieved, he broke into a shy smile and moved to speak. But she refused to let him have the last word.

"Now be quiet," Madeline whispered, silencing him with a kiss.

©1999 by Twinkiegurl

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