Chapter Ten: No More Secrets

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Emma nodded. "I've never been in a relationship like this before," she said. "I'm just not used to the idea of sharing everything with someone, you know?"

"Well," Madeline said thoughtfully, "I've never been in that type of relationship either, but it seems to me that if it's gonna work, you shouldn't be polite. Stuff should be said for honesty's sake, no matter what comes." The irony crossed her face in a melancholy smile. "You really ought to think about it."

* * * * * * * The next day * * * * * * * * *

The feature story that ran in the paper Monday was a bright – a humorous fluff piece – about one college student's 15 minutes of fame as the star of a music video featuring pop's hottest band. It focused on her role and how she endured 45 minutes of measurements just to wear one winter coat, including some funny anecdotes about the antics of group members on the set.

There was no mention of Emma, the midnight jaunt to the airport or even Justin's hairdressing skills.

"Interesting twist of angle," Nathan observed half-approvingly the night before, as the production crew pasted the story on the page. "Not what you started out with, but a good save nonetheless. I guess it's much better than putting a big X on the page."

Madeline was too drained to respond. She and Emma had spent all day on the story to meet her 6 p.m. deadline. Emma had helped so much Madeline felt guilty running a solo byline, but there was no other option.

She knew some readers, especially older fans who secretly liked the group, would not be satisfied, clamoring for more about them and less about her. But for a college population, it was as good as she could give them.

They had no choice. At the end of the day, she'd still lost what mattered. This was all she was willing to say.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"I don't know what to say," J.C. said finally, sitting in a hotel room across from Emma, the remains of dinner between them.

"I didn't want you to say anything. I didn't even want you to know about it," Emma confessed, picking at the chicken bones on her plate.

"Why not? Why didn't you tell me how much it upset you?"

"Because the way I'm dealing with it is my problem. What could you have done about it? Nothing. We're already hiding as much as we can. I didn't want to make you worried all the time. But eventually I didn't feel good keeping it from you either. Madeline finally talked some sense into me."

At the mention of her name, J.C. winced slightly, thinking of Justin. He reached across the table and took her hand. "Are you ... happy? Being with me, I mean. All that stuff you gave up. Do you miss it – honestly?"

She looked at the one she loved and sighed, turning her eyes downward.

"Yeah, I miss it," Emma admitted, feeling some release with her words. "I miss the city and hanging out with my friends and my church. I guess I see my family more than I used to since I travel, which is good. But mostly I just miss stability."

A guilty wave washed over J.C. The last two months had been glorious for him; she was with him at nearly every appearance, and it injected an extra shot of adrenaline into him when he sang. He loved that she was there before performances for a massage and kiss and afterward for a warm hug. He looked forward to the upcoming U.S. tour, where he could show her all the sights.

But best of all were the "cuddle times" they set aside at the end of each day, no matter how busy it got or how late it was. Emma shared about the stories she wrote and the people she met. J.C. would simply gaze at her with a smile and stroke her hair as he listened. Finally, when the hour struck late enough, they'd pray, kiss goodnight and part ways to dream blissfully.

Conflicts of Interest: A Justin Fanfiction SagaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin