Pt2 - Dancing round an empty room

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It was a few days before the two of you were alone again, having to share tents with more people the last few nights, and being gracefully interrupted that other night by wyatt needing help with something yet again. but the moment you did get her alone, it took everything in you not to press your lips to hers, feeling the two of you needed to talk about where things were going before kissing again, because if you didn't, you feared the addiction of her lips would become too much.

you were in a new country now, far far away from the church you last met in, but you revelled in the fact that you were still gazing at the same stars you always had. karli had pulled you into a small room- more like a closet- in the place you were staying; a couple were in favour of the movement and offered their house to support the flag smashers for a night or two, and you took full advantage of that.

there was a silence between you after those two words were exchanged, a silence more awkward than before, supposing all the possibilities that could be explored now the barrier is broken caused some tension between you two. you had not much seen this side of Karli, her usual self being confident- and hot- and calm...this was the opposite: her breath was heavy and shaky, her eyes darting between features on your face and anything else in the room, her mind too busy to focus on one thing, before you bring your hands to her face, cupping her checks and forcing her to look at you.

"hey" you start, knowing that the pair of you came in here to talk, and someone had to start or you'd be there for hours (not that you'd mind)
"breath, yeah?" you chuckled, and she let out a huff along with you, not realising she had stopped taking in air.

Once she had collected her breath she gestured for the two of you to sit, or try to, with the space given. There were unspoken words between the two, both knowing you needed to talk but neither wanting to start. ironic really; we were the only people each other could truly rely on to talk to, yet here we were, neither saying a word.

"Look i'm sorry about the other day i just got ahead of myself and- You know what, no. i'm not sorry" she finally started, "i have wanted to kiss you again ever since that night, and honestly, it's taking a lot for me to not kiss you right now- that's not the point, the point is, I really like you, and judging by the other night i think you like me too" that made you chuckle, "but i don't want this to be some kind of fling or friends with benefits situation. If you don't want a relationship, i respect that, and i want us to still be friends, because the only thing worse than you not being mine, is you not being in my life entirely-"

"would you shut up and ask me out already?" you were impatient to say the least

"okay okay i'm getting whatever, will you please please be my girlfriend? and if the answer is yes can i please kiss you again?" the fact that she had to ask astounded you, because in your mind you had always been hers, and always will be.

"yes and yes. pleasure doing business with you-"

"oh shut up" and with that she dragged you closer than humanly superhumanly possible, and pressed smiling lips to yours, etching to get out of this closet [cough] as soon as possible and brag to everyone that you were finally hers.

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