Chapter 1- To think the past didn't seem so far away

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After the day that Tom had met the reddish-brown haired girl underneath his favorite oak tree, he found out what her name happened to be which was Y/n Blackwood, and ever since then well they seemed to be rather close.. she didn't think he was weird like the rest of the kids which made him happy, and that was something he normally wasn't used to at all.

Eventually sometimes him and well Y/n would spend hours just talking underneath the big oak tree, learning about each other, so in other words the dark-brown haired boy would tell her things about himself while she did the same thing, it turned out they had some things in common,They both liked to read, they liked animals along with just having peace and quiet every once in awhile.. not only that they were both different like two black sheep in a giant herd of normal white sheep, or maybe in other words two people that had the world against them in some sense anyway.

Of course today was going to be different then the rest as he wanted to well maybe take a nice walk with Y/n but only if she wanted to, and due to that a small tiny smile had managed to make it's way over his pale Ivory colored face as he couldn't help but wonder if they did take a nice walk would it lead to anything like those fairy tale adventures that the characters where able to have? In all honesty the blackish-brown haired boy didn't know but at the same time he couldn't help but hope there walk would turn into something like that.

And due to that there sitting underneath his and well Y/n's Oak tree happened to be the jade green and frost blue eyed girl that he was hoping to see, and ironically he had been thinking about her just a few minutes ago as well.

"Tom!" Y/n says rather happily as she eventually got up off the grass covered ground not caring that some of her outfit happened to have grass stains on it since in all honesty the reddish-brown haired girl was happy to be seeing her best friend and to believe the last time she saw him before today actually happened to be well yesterday, and because of that she didn't allow the blackish-brown haired boy anytime to react as she wrapped her arms around the slightly taller boy in a hug.

Of course the hug had made the dark-brown haired boy rather surprised, to be honest he couldn't deny that he most likely would always be surprised when Y/n would hug him but at the same time he wouldn't be able to deny that he rather liked it when she would give him hugs, it let him know that he had someone by his side that wasn't well afraid of him or would even call him names like.. Freak, The Devil, Retard, Weirdo, and even Bastard.

Due to him being in well deep thought he didn't notice how Y/n was calling his name until he wasn't thinking as hard, as he was before and due to that he softly raised one of his eyebrows in a slight questionable manner before saying while directly looking at well his best friend with his deep dark brown eyes only to say "Where you saying something Y/n?"

Y/n couldn't help but pout a tiny bit as she eventually smacked one of her best friends shoulders as she says after huffing "I knew you weren't listening to a single word I was saying Tommy!!" After saying that the reddish-brown haired girl couldn't help but cross her arms before sighing a tiny bit as she muttered "It's okay Tom."

Tom who had been looking directly at the reddish-brown girl couldn't help but actually pout once he felt her smack his right shoulder, yes in a way he hadn't heard a single word she had said all because he had been in thought but that gave her no right to smack him! And because of that he couldn't help but sneer just a tiny bit, but even so it didn't last long as he knew he could never stay mad or even upset with Y/n and he didn't understand why.

Of course at the same Y/n couldn't deny that she was rather shocked as well maybe because she had assumed he would have been mad at her but instead here, the blackish-brown haired boy didn't stay mad at her for that long and due to that she couldn't help but wonder if she was finally having a impact on him and if so, well was it a good one? Or a bad one she couldn't tell since in a way it wasn't easy to read Tom at all and that's why she couldn't deny in a way she rather enjoyed hanging around the taller blackish-brown haired boy, though after awhile he heard him softly say "Hey Y/n.. I want to ask you a question if that's alright."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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