Chapter 1: There Was Another Genius within Class D?

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(We basically skip the entire reaction from y1v1 to y1v11.5 from Ayanokouji's POV, so no need for a prologue.)

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's POV.

God of Entertainment (X): "So, that's the journey of Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, the White Room masterpiece, in year 1. I hope you had fun watching it."

Hosen: "Fucking finally, I can go back for something more interesting. All that romance bullcrap was fucking boring."

Ryuen: "Kukuku. With all the information I get from that monster, I may come up with a good plan later."

Arisu: "Fufufu. I'm satisfied. Ichinose-san, I hope you get better because we're having an important special exam soon."

Ichinose sobs: "Yeah, just give me some time..."

Katsuragi: (Ayanokouji is dangerous; I need to think of a defense plan against him.)

Kanzaki: (This is not good. Ichinose is not feeling well. What should I do to help the class's morale?)

1st year students that aim for the bounty: (We can use these information in the next exam. But can we really pull it off?)

Nagumo: (Heh. Ayanokouji is a good opponent. Should I attack him in the next exam? But I don't want to expel him... What should I do?)

Kiyotaka: (I can finally go back and take a rest. I need some ice cream for all the trouble I have to face in the future.)

Kei hugs my arm happily with a blush on her face.

Ayanokouji group is consoling Airi for her heartbreak.

Koenji doesn't care and still watches himself in the mirror.


X: WAIT! That's not all I want to show you.

Everyone: "The fuck?! There's more???"

Kiyotaka: "You want to show more??" (Is he gonna show the White Room too?)

Nobody but Kei seems to notice that Kiyotaka raised his voice a bit.

X: "Don't worry, Ayanokouji. This is about a different person."

I let out a relieved sigh. As long as it's not related to me, I'm fine either way.

Ike: "Eh, what do you mean?"

Hosen: "Jesus Fucking Christ, let us go back!"

Yamauchi: "Yeah, I want to go back. My harem is waiting for me at home."

Many students agree and protest.

X: "Don't worry, this is not as long as Ayanokouji's journey. Like I said earlier, when you go back, it will be the same time as before you got here. Also, I will give you some compensation when you return to school."

The students sigh and sit down. Because of God's generosity, they can materialize a lot of stuff out of thin air. Some sit together on luxury couches, some sit alone on customized chairs, and some others lie on beds.

I sit with Kei in a couple seat. Surrounding us are Horikita, the Ayanokouji group, and class 2-D with some other class leaders close by.

X: "I will show you another hidden genius in class 2-D."

God's words shock every student.

Ike: "Wait, we have another?"

Ryuen/Arisu: "Kukuku/Fufufu, interesting." (Another opponent to play with.)

Kazaki: (Not only Ayanokouji, they have another hidden genius? Class 2-D is too dangerous! What else are they hiding?)

Koenji: "No matter how many geniuses are in the class, I'm still the sole perfect existence."

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