chapter two

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"you shall knock on thy door maam," tulip replied with a poor british accent.

peony nodded at the bodyguards which they immediately understood. they opened the door for her and she walked in. she got confused as she thought she would meet in a more private room but turns out to be a restaurant.

"lippy, why the fuck am i in a restaurant?" peony asked confusingly. she looked around at the restaurant which looked like a chinese restaurant. there was a small fountain in the middle and a front table with a waitress. the restaurant looks hella expensive.

"call me lippy one more time, nie-nie," tulip lowered her voice, "and it's a private restaurant to be exact. so you need to book a 'room' before you get there. i already made a reservation with the code 'persephone'," tulip squealed.

peony sighed, "tulip, get your greek mythology freakass outta here. so what now- i'm the persephone and he's the hades? you really wanna get rid of me huh."

"that's why i hired the bodyguards to keep your ass safe dummy. who knows he might kidnap you- i mean who wouldn't wanna kidnap a hottie like you? i would", she heard tulip laugh "but little birdies said the guy's hot so you could you know-" tulip then made grossly kissing sounds.

"lippy, stop."

peony made her way to the front table with her two bodyguards which made the waitress automatically flashed her a polite smile.

"how can i help you miss?" the waitress politely asked.

"a reservation for... 'persephone' please," peony said it with a cringed face. seriously, who the fuck make a reservation with an ancient greek name?

"oh! right this way miss," the waitress walked out of the table and showed her the way. she followed the waitress from behind and feeling kind of weirded out by the waitress' constant silent squeal.

"um you good?" peony asked the waitress with a worried face. the waitress looked back at peony and giggled like a high school girl seeing their crush.

"i'm great! ecstatic even. oh my god your 'hades' is already waiting in the room, and i'm sorry if i'm being too nosy but he's hot and you're hot ma'am so you guys are indeed a very fiery and hot couple. i'm your number one fan uwu!" the waitress said whilst fasten up her pace due to excitement.

peony got surprised as she found another greek mythology freak like tulip. she sighed but flashed the waitress a polite smile regardless.

"slow down. we're just here for business and i've never even met the guy before so," peony replied.

"oh really? well let me tell you, he's a very fine young man if i may say. and by the way with you looking like this good ma'am, you could snatch any man or woman," the waitress winked and smiled at her, "here we are persephone, your hades awaits," she bowed whilst pointing at the door. the waitress then got up from bowing for about a minute or so and squealed again before running away.

"now that was weird," peony said to herself.

"no shit. but i agree with her that you could snatch any man or woman," tulip said in her earpiece, "now get inside and goodluck bestie. i'm off bye!"

peony shook her head and turned off her earpiece. she signed the bodyguards to stay outside. as she opened the door, she was faced to what looks like a nice built back belongs to a young man in a suit. the man didn't even turn around to look at her. she went around the table to face the man, only for the both of them to widened their eyes and pointed their index finger at each other.



they said it together at the same time. they looked at each other with hatred in their eyes. peony couldn't believe her eyes, the man she was about to deal with was the same man who ruined her $1500 dress. like there are seven billion men in the world for god's sake and the one she needs to face was this asswipe?

after a long staring contest- more like a wanting to kill each other staring contest, peony broke the intense silence by saying,

"i'm outta here. i ain't boutta deal with the same dick no more," she rolled her eyes and walked to the door, about to get out of the room, but only to get stopped by a hand holding her wrist.

"as much as i hate this encounter and you, we need to make the deal regardless," he said and side glaring the girl. peony glared back at the man and rolled her eyes. she went back to her seat across the fine man with an annoyed expression. another minute of a glaring contest.

"why you mad? you were the one who ruined my dress," she pointed at her stained dress and raised an eyebrow at the man. the man looked so done and rolled his eyes.

"goddammit i already apologized woman! and YOU humiliated me in front of people, you're the one who should apologize," he raised his voice at the word 'you'. trying to make clear that he was not the only one at fault.

"tch, deserved."

the man was really trying to calm his anger because he might really punch this bitchy girl in front of him. but he wouldn't do that, because he's a gentleman and her mother and the boys would whoop him if he ever hit or hurt a girl. and for your information, asian moms don't play when it comes to whooping their kids. they're very talented at it.

the man gave up and sighed, "let's just cut to the chase," the man sat up straight and placed his arms on the table, "i'm peter of skz, how the fuck may i help you?"

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