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*Nobody's pov*

Finney searched through the store freezers aimlessly, impatiently waiting for Vance to come in and play on the pinball machine. It was 3:10 pm, and school had just ended. Finney had gotten to Grab N' Go surprisingly before Vance.

Finney's plan was to watch Vance play for entirety of the rest of the day before the Grab N' Go closed, and then when is closed, Finney planned on following Vance home. Just to know his address, and then he would probably leave when he got it written down.

Finney had discussed his plan with his best friend, Robin Arellano, during lunch at school. Robin sarcastically told Finney that his idea was a great way to get a boyfriend, and then told Finney multiple ways to not get caught. Robin found Finney weird and a little crazy for this, sure. But he honestly didn't care what Finney did, he was just glad to have a friend, so he helped Finney the best he could while still staying chill and legal.

Finney was pulling from his reminiscing thoughts when he heard the bell on the door ring, and low and behold, there he was.

Vance Hopper.

Vance walked over to the pinball machine, dug around in his pocket for a few seconds, and pulled out a quarter, putting it in the coin slot and beginning to play.

Finney watched him play intently, tilting his head slightly to the side. He decided to pull out his notebook. Leaning against the freezers, he turned to a blank page and clicked his pen open, charting down every last feature Vance had and action he did.

Finney covered the page in doodles of him and Vance, Vance having slightly more detail than him in every drawing. He had a crush on Vance anyways, not himself. Why would he put much effort into a drawing of himself when he can spend his energy on Vance?

Finney filled five whole pages before he put his notebook away and pulled out his phone. He took multiple pictures of Vance, sometimes moving spots in the store to get a better angle. He knew that someone probably saw him snapping pictures, but he really didn't care. It was none of their business anyways, was it?

Finney made his favorite picture he took his home screen, and the second favorite picture he took his lock screen. He then put his phone away and continue leaning against the freezers, crossing his arms and watching Vance intently the entire five hours they were both there.

Finney left a few moments before eight o'clock so he could hide by the side of the building and watch Vance leave. Vance walked out a few minutes after a worker told him the store was about to close, hands shoved in his jean jacket pockets. Vance started to walk down the sidewalk, the direction away from Finney.

Finney made sure Vance wouldn't be able to see him before he made his way at least twenty feet away from him. Countless times Finney had to really quickly hide behind something so Vance couldn't see him when he turned around. 'God damn you, sixth sense.." Finney thought to himself after hiding behind a car for the hundredth time.

Eventually, Vance made it to his house, did a double check to make sure nobody was following him (which he failed), unlocked the front door and went inside. Finney mentally cheered, jotting down Vance's address. He was about to turn to leave when he saw a light flick on in the window.

Finney stared for a moment, weighing his options. If he went up and looked through the window, he got to see Vance some more, but there was a big chance he'd be caught. If he left, then he wouldn't get to see Vance some more.

Finney's eyes darted from down the sidewalk to where he came from and the lit up window multiple times. Eventually, Finney turned and trudged his way home, mumbling about how he'll probably wish he looked in when he got home.

Finney lightened up. "At least I got his address!" He whisper-exclaimed to himself.


sorry rhat this is a little shorter, I ran out of ideas for this chapter

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